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Code Relocation

This page provides a listing of all instructions rewritten as part of the Code Relocation process.



The ADR instruction in ARM architectures computes the address of a label and writes it to the destination register.


The ADR(P) instruction is rewritten as one of the following:
- ADR(P)
- ADR(P) + ADD
- MOV (1-4 instructions)


  1. From ADRP to ADR:

    // Before: ADRP x0, 0x101000
    // After: ADR x0, 0xFFFFF
    // Parameters: (old_instruction, old_address, new_address)
    rewrite_adr(0x000800B0_u32.to_be(), 0, 4097);

  2. Within 4GiB Range with Offset:

    // Before: ADRP x0, 0x101000
    // After: 
    //  - ADRP x0, 0x102000
    //  - ADD x0, x0, 1
    rewrite_adr(0x000800B0_u32.to_be(), 4097, 0);

  3. Within 4GiB Range without Offset:

    // Before: ADRP x0, 0x101000
    // After: ADRP x0, 0x102000
    rewrite_adr(0x000800B0_u32.to_be(), 4096, 0);

  4. Out of Range:

    // PC = 0x100000000
    // Before: ADRP, x0, 0x101000
    // After: MOV IMMEDIATE 0x100101000
    rewrite_adr(0x000800B0_u32.to_be(), 0x100000000, 0);

Branch (Conditional)

The Bcc instruction in ARM architectures performs a conditional branch based on specific condition flags.

The Branch Conditional instruction is rewritten as:
- BCC + [B]
- BCC + [ADRP + ADD + BR]
- BCC + [MOV to Register + Branch Register]

<skip> means, invert the condition, and jump over the code inside [] brackets.


  1. Within 1MiB:

    // Before: b.eq #4
    // After: b.eq #-4092
    // Parameters: (old_instruction, old_address, new_address, scratch_register)
    rewrite_bcc(0x20000054_u32.to_be(), 0, 4096, Some(17));

  2. Within 128MiB:

    // Before: b.eq #0
    // After: 
    //   - #8 
    //   - b #-0x80000000
    rewrite_bcc(0x00000054_u32.to_be(), 0, 0x8000000 - 4, Some(17));

  3. Within 4GiB Range with Address Adjustment:

    // Before: b.eq #512
    // After: 
    //   - #16 
    //   - adrp x17, #0x8000000
    //   - add x17, #512
    //   - br x17
    rewrite_bcc(0x00100054_u32.to_be(), 0x8000000, 0, Some(17));

  4. Within 4GiB Range without Offset:

    // Before: b.eq #512
    // After: 
    //   - #12
    //   - adrp x17, #-0x8000000 
    //   - br x17
    rewrite_bcc(0x00100054_u32.to_be(), 0, 0x8000000, Some(17));

  5. Last Resort:

    // Before: b.eq #0
    // After: 
    //   - #12
    //   - movz x17, #0 
    //   - br x17
    rewrite_bcc(0x00000054_u32.to_be(), 0, 0x100000000, Some(17));


Including Branch+Link (BL).

The B (or BL for Branch+Link) instruction in ARM architectures performs a direct branch (or branch with link) to a specified address. When using the BL variant, the return address (the address of the instruction following the branch) is stored in the link register LR.

The Branch instruction is rewritten as one of the following:
- B (or BL)
- MOV + BR


  1. Direct Branch within Range:

    // Before: b #4096
    // After: b #8192
    // Parameters: (old_instruction, old_address, new_address, scratch_register, link)
    rewrite_b(0x00040014_u32.to_be(), 8192, 4096, Some(17), false);

  2. Within 4GiB with Address Adjustment:

    // Before: b #4096
    // After: 
    //   - adrp x17, #0x8000000
    //   - br x17
    rewrite_b(0x00040014_u32.to_be(), 0x8000000, 0, Some(17), false);

  3. Within 4GiB Range with Offset:

    // Before: b #4096
    // After: 
    //   - adrp x17, #0x8000512
    //   - add x17, x17, #512
    //   - br x17
    rewrite_b(0x00040014_u32.to_be(), 0x8000512, 0, Some(17), false);

  4. Out of Range, Use MOV:

    // Before: b #4096
    // After: 
    //   - movz x17, #... 
    //   - ...
    //   - br x17
    rewrite_b(0x00040014_u32.to_be(), 0x100000000, 0, Some(17), false);

  5. Branch with Link within Range:

    // Before: bl #4096
    // After: bl #8192
    rewrite_b(0x00040094_u32.to_be(), 8192, 4096, Some(17), true);

CBZ (Compare and Branch on Zero)

The CBZ instruction in ARM architectures performs a conditional branch when the specified register is zero. If the register is not zero and the condition is not met, the next sequential instruction is executed.

The CBZ instruction is rewritten as one of the following:
- CBZ + [B]
- CBZ + [ADRP + BR]
- CBZ + [ADRP + ADD + BR]
- CBZ + [MOV to Register + Branch Register]

Here, <skip> is used to invert the condition and jump over the set of instructions inside the [] brackets if the condition is not met.


  1. Within 1MiB Range:

    // Before: cbz x0, #4096
    // After: cbz x0, #8192
    // Parameters: (old_instruction, old_address, new_address)
    rewrite_cbz(0x008000B4_u32.to_be(), 8192, 4096, Some(17));

  2. Within 128MiB Range:

    // Before: cbz x0, #4096
    // After: 
    //   - cbnz x0, #8
    //   - b #0x8000000
    rewrite_cbz(0x008000B4_u32.to_be(), 0x8000000, 4096, Some(17));

  3. Within 4GiB + 4096 aligned:

    // Before: cbz x0, #4096
    // After: 
    //   - cbnz x0, <skip 3 instructions> 
    //   - adrp x17, #0x8000000
    //   - br x17
    rewrite_cbz(0x008000B4_u32.to_be(), 0x8000000, 0, Some(17));

  4. Within 4GiB with Offset:

    // Before: cbz x0, #4096
    // After: 
    //   - cbnz x0, <skip 4 instructions>
    //   - adrp x17, #0x8000000
    //   - add x17, #512
    //   - br x17
    rewrite_cbz(0x008000B4_u32.to_be(), 0x8000512, 0, Some(17));

  5. Out of Range (Move and Branch):

    // Before: cbz x0, #4096
    // After: 
    //   - cbnz x0, <skip X instructions> 
    //   - mov x17, <immediate address>
    //   - br x17
    rewrite_cbz(0x008000B4_u32.to_be(), 0x100000000, 0, Some(17));

LDR (Load Register)

This includes Prefetch PRFM which shares opcode with LDR.

The LDR instruction in ARM architectures is used to load a value from memory into a register. It can use various addressing modes, but commonly it involves an offset from a base register or the program counter.

The LDR instruction is rewritten as one of the following, depending on the relocation range:

  • LDR Literal
  • ADRP + LDR (with Unsigned Offset)
  • MOV Address to Register + LDR

The choice of rewriting strategy is based on the distance between the old address and the new one, with a preference for the most direct form that satisfies the required address range.

If the instruction is Prefetch PRFM, it is discarded if it can't be re-encoded as PRFM (literal), as prefetching with multiple instructions is probably less efficient than not prefetching at all.


  1. Within 1MiB Range:

    // Before: LDR x0, #0
    // After: LDR x0, #4096
    // Parameters: (opcode, new_imm12, rn)
    rewrite_ldr_literal(0x00000058_u32.to_be(), 4096, 0);

  2. Within 4GiB + 4096 aligned:

    // Before: LDR x0, #0
    // After: 
    //   - adrp x0, #0x100000
    //   - ldr x0, [x0]
    // Parameters: (opcode, new_address, old_address)
    rewrite_ldr_literal(0x00000058_u32.to_be(), 0x100000, 0);

  3. Within 4GiB:

    // Before: LDR x0, #512
    // After: 
    //   - adrp x0, #0x100000
    //   - ldr x0, [x0, #512]
    // Parameters: (opcode, new_address, old_address)
    rewrite_ldr_literal(0x00100058_u32.to_be(), 0x100000, 0);

  4. Out of Range (Last Resort):

    // Before: LDR x0, #512
    // After: 
    //   - movz x0, #0, lsl #16
    //   - movk x0, #0x1, lsl #32
    //   - ldr x0, [x0, #512]
    // Parameters: (opcode, new_address, old_address)
    rewrite_ldr_literal(0x00100058_u32.to_be(), 0x100000000, 0);

TBZ (Test and Branch on Zero)

The TBZ instruction in ARM architectures tests a specified bit in a register and performs a conditional branch if the bit is zero. If the tested bit is not zero, the next sequential instruction is executed.

The TBZ instruction is rewritten based on the distance to the new branch target. It is transformed into one of the following patterns:
- TBZ + B
- TBZ + MOV to Register + Branch Register

Here, <skip> is used to indicate a conditional skip over a set of instructions if the tested bit is not zero. The specific transformation depends on the offset between the current position and the new branch target.

It is crucial to ensure that the provided instruction parameter is a valid TBZ opcode. Incorrect opcodes or assumptions that a different type of instruction is a TBZ may lead to undefined behaviour.

Functionality: The rewrite_tbz function alters the TBZ instruction to accommodate a new target address that is outside of its original range. The target address could be within the same 32KiB range or farther, necessitating different rewriting strategies.


  1. Within 32KiB Range:

    // Original: tbz x0, #0, #4096
    // Rewritten: tbz x0, #0, #8192
    // Parameters: (old_instruction, old_address, new_address, scratch_reg)
    rewrite_tbz(0x00800036_u32.to_be(), 8192, 4096, Some(17));

  2. Within 128MiB Range:

    // Original: tbz x0, #0, #4096
    // Rewritten:
    //   - tbnz x0, #0, #8
    //   - b #0x8000000
    rewrite_tbz(0x00800036_u32.to_be(), 0x8000000, 4096, Some(17));

  3. Within 4GiB Range Aligned to 4096:

    // Original: tbz x0, #0, #4096
    // Rewritten:
    //   - tbnz w0, #0, #0xc
    //   - adrp x17, #0x8001000
    //   - br x17
    rewrite_tbz(0x00800036_u32.to_be(), 0x8000000, 0, Some(17));

  4. Within 4GiB Range with Offset:

    // Original: tbz x0, #0, #4096
    // Rewritten:
    //    - tbnz w0, #0, #0x10
    //    - adrp x17, #0x8001000
    //    - add x17, x17, #0x512
    //    - br x17
    rewrite_tbz(0x00800036_u32.to_be(), 0x8000512, 0, Some(17));

  5. Out of 4GiB Range (Move and Branch):

    // Original: tbz x0, #0, #4096
    // Rewritten:
    //    - tbnz w0, #0, #0x14
    //    - movz x17, #0x1000
    //    - movk x17, #0, lsl #16
    //    - movk x17, #0x1, lsl #32
    //    - br x17
    rewrite_tbz(0x00800036_u32.to_be(), 0x100000000, 0, Some(17));