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Code Relocation

This page provides a listing of all instructions rewritten as part of the Code Relocation process for x86 architecture.

This page provides a comprehensive overview of the instruction rewriting techniques used in the code relocation process, specifically tailored for the x64 architecture.

Any Instruction within 2GiB Range

If the new relative branch target is within the encodable range, it is left as relative.

Example: Within Relative Range

Original: (EB 02)
- jmp +2

Relocated: (E9 FF 0F 00 00)
- jmp +4098

// Parameters for test case:
// - Original Code (Hex)
// - Original Address
// - New Address
// - New Expected Code (Hex)
`#[case::simple_branch("eb02", 4096, 0, "e9ff0f0000")]

In x86, any address is reachable from any address

This is due to integer over/underflow and immediates being 2GiB in size. Therefore relocation simply involves extending the immediate as needed, i.e. jmp 0x12 to jmp 0x123012 etc.

The rest of the page will therefore leave out relative cases, and only focus on offsets greater than 2GiB.

x64 Rewriter: Going Beyond the 2GiB Offset

The x64 rewriter is only suitable for rewriting function prologues.

To be able to perform a lot of actions in a position independent manner, this rewriter uses a dummy 'scratch' register which it will overwrite.

Scratch register is determined by the following logic:

  • Start with Caller Saved Registers (these restored after function call).
  • Remove all registers used in code being rewritten.

Because rewriting a lot of code will lead to register exhaustion, it must be reiterated the rewriter can only be used for small bits of code.

x64 has over 5000 ‼️ instructions that require rewriting. Only a couple hundred are tested currently

Relative Branches

Instructions such as JMP, CALL, etc.


If out of range, it is rewritten using a combination of MOV (move the absolute address into a register) followed by JMP or CALL to that register.


Original: (EB 02)
- jmp +2

Relocated: (48 B8 04 00 00 80 00 00 00 00 FF E0)
- mov rax, 0x80000004
- jmp rax

// Parameters for test case:
// - Original Code (Hex)
// - Original Address
// - New Address
// - New Expected Code (Hex)
#[case::to_abs_jmp_i8("eb02", 0x80000000, 0, "48b80400008000000000ffe0")]

Jump Conditional

Instructions such as jne, jg etc.


  • Inverts the branch condition, then jumps over an absolute jump that is encoded using a MOV to set the address and a JMP to that address.



Original: (70 02)
- jo +2

Relocated: (71 0C 48 B8 04 00 00 80 00 00 00 FF E0):
- jno +12 <skip>
- mov rax, 0x80000004
- jmp rax

// Parameters for test case:
// - Original Code (Hex)
// - Original Address
// - New Address
// - New Expected Code (Hex)
#[case::jo("7002", 0x80000000, 0, "710c48b80400008000000000ffe0")]

Loop Instructions

Instructions such as LOOP, LOOPE, and LOOPNE.


Handled by either:

  • Manually decrementing ECX and using a conditional jump based on the zero flag. (i.e. extend 'loop' address to 32-bit)


  • Branching the loop function in the opposite direction.

The strategy used depends on the original instruction.

Example: Branch in Opposite Direction

Original: (E2 FA)
- loop -3

Relocated: (50 E2 02 EB 0C 48 B8 FD 0F 00 80 00 00 00 00 FF E0)
- push rax
- loop +2
- jmp 0x11
- movabs rax, 0x80000ffd
- jmp rax

// Parameters for test case:
// - Original Code (Hex)
// - Original Address
// - New Address
// - New Expected Code (Hex)
#[case::loop_backward_abs("50e2fa", 0x80001000, 0, "50e202eb0c48b8fd0f008000000000ffe0")]

JCX Instructions

Instructions such as JCXZ, JECXZ, JRCXZ.


  • If the target is within 32-bit range, it uses an optimized IMM32 encoding.
  • If out of 32-bit range, it uses a TEST instruction followed by a conditional jump.


Original: (E3 FA)
- jrcxz -3

Relocated: (E3 02 EB 0C 48 B8 FD 0F 00 80 00 00 00 00 FF E0)
- jrcxz +5
- jmp 0x11
- mov rax, 0x80000ffd
- jmp rax

// Parameters for test case:
// - Original Code (Hex)
// - Original Address
// - New Address
// - New Expected Code (Hex)
#[case::jrcxz_abs("e3fa", 0x80001000, 0, "e302eb0c48b8fd0f008000000000ffe0")]

RIP Relative Operand

At time of writing, this covers around 2800 ‼️ instructions

Only around a 100 are covered by unit tests though.

Covers all instructions which have an IP relative operand, i.e. read/write to a memory address which is relative to the address of the next instruction.


Replace RIP relative operand with a scratch register with the originally intended memory address.


Original: (48 8B 1D 08 00 00 00)
- mov rbx, [rip + 8]

Relocated: (48 B8 0F 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 48 8B 18)
- mov rax, 0x10000000f
- mov rbx, [rax]

// Parameters for test case:
// - Original Code (Hex)
// - Original Address
// - New Address
// - New Expected Code (Hex)
#[case::mov_rhs("488b1d08000000", 0x100000000, 0, "48b80f00000001000000488b18")]

How this is Done

reloaded-hooks-rs uses the iced library under the hood for assembly and disassembly.

In iced, operands can be broken down to 3 main types:

Name Note
register Including Vector Registers
memory i.e. [rax] or [rip + 4]
imm Immediate, 8/16/32/64

Immediates use multiple types, e.g. Immediate8, Immediate16 etc. but on assembler side you can pass them all as Immediate32, so you can group them.

Each instruction can have 0-5 operands, where there is at max 1 operand which can be RIP relative.

To handle this, a script projects/code-generators/x86/ was used to dump all possible operand permutations from Iced source. Then I wrote functions to handle each possible permutation.

1 Operand:

  • rip

2 Operands:

  • rip, imm
  • rip, reg
  • reg, rip

3 Operands:

  • reg, reg, rip
  • reg, rip, imm
  • rip, reg, imm
  • rip, reg, reg
  • reg, rip, reg

4 Operands:

  • reg, reg, rip, imm
  • reg, reg, reg, rip

5 Operands:

  • reg, reg, reg, rip, imm
  • reg, reg, rip, reg, imm

If reloaded-hooks-rs encounters an instruction with RIP relative operand that uses any of the following operand permutations, it should successfully patch it.