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Calling Conversion Wrappers

Describes how stubs for converting between different Calling Conventions (ABIs) are generated.

This page uses x86 as an example, however the same concepts apply to other architectures.

These stubs are what allows Reloaded.Hooks-rs to hook functions which take parameters in custom registers, allowing developers to skip writing error prone 'naked' functions by hand.

General Strategy

Setting frame pointer (ebp) is not necessary, as our wrapper shouldn't use it

  • Backup Non-Volatile Registers (incl. Link Register on Relevant Platforms)
# push LR if present on platform
push ebp
push ebx
push edi
push esi
  • Align the Stack
  • Setup Function Parameters

    • Re push stack parameters (right to left) of the function being returned
    # In a loop
    push dword [ebp + {baseStackOffset}]
    • Push register parameters of the function being returned (right to left, reverse loop)
    • Pop parameters into registers of function being called
  • Reserve Extra Stack Space

Some calling conventions require extra space reserved up front

sub esp, {whatever}
  • Call Target Method
  • Setup Return Register

If target function returns in different register than caller expects, might need to for example mov eax, ecx.

mov eax, ecx
  • Restore Non-Volatile Registers
# Restore non-volatile registers
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebx
pop ebp
# pop LR if relevant on given platform

The general implementation for 64-bit is the same, however the stack must be 16 byte aligned at method entry, and for MSFT convention, 32 bytes reserved on stack before call

There are also some very minor nuances, which the actual code has to handle, but this is the general jist of it.


This optimizes CPU instruction fetch, which (on x86) operates on 16 byte boundaries.

So we align our wrappers to these boundaries.

Eliminate Callee Saved Registers

When there are overlaps in callee saved registers between source and target, we can skip backing up those registers.

For example, cdecl and stdcall use the same callee saved registers, ebp, ebx, esi, edi. When converting between these two conventions, it is not necessary to backup/restore any of them in the wrapper, because the target function will already take care of that.

Example: cdecl target -> stdcall wrapper.

# Stack Backup
push ebp
mov ebp, esp

# Callee Save
push ebx
push edi
push esi

# Re push parameters
push dword [ebp + {x}]
push dword [ebp + {x}]

call {function}
add esp, 8

# Callee Restore
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebx

# Stack Restore
pop ebp
ret 8
# Stack Backup
push ebp
mov ebp, esp

# Re push parameters
push dword [ebp + {x}]
push dword [ebp + {x}]

call {function}
add esp, 8

# Stack Restore
pop ebp
ret 8

Pseudocode example. Not verified for accuracy, but it shows the idea

In the cdecl -> stdcall example, ebp is considered a callee saved register too, thus it should be possible to optimise into:

# Re push parameters
push dword [esp + {x}]
push dword [esp + {x}]

call {function}
add esp, 8

ret 8

Combine Push/Pop Operations when Possible

When pushing multiple registers at once, it is possible to remove redundant stack operations.

Imagine a situation where you need to push 3 float registers onto the stack; if we pass the instructions from the wrapper generator verbatim [push a, then push b, then push c], we would land with the following:

; Push XMM registers
sub rsp, 16
movdqu [rsp], xmm0
sub rsp, 16
movdqu [rsp], xmm1
sub rsp, 16
movdqu [rsp], xmm2

; Pop XMM registers
movdqu xmm2, [rsp]
add rsp, 16
movdqu xmm1, [rsp]
add rsp, 16
movdqu xmm0, [rsp]
add rsp, 16

This is unoptimal as it can be simplified to:

# Push Registers to the Stack
sub rsp, 48
movdqu [rsp], xmm0 
movdqu [rsp + 16], xmm1
movdqu [rsp + 32], xmm2

# Pop three XMM registers from the Stack
movdqu xmm0, [rsp]
movdqu xmm1, [rsp + 16]
movdqu xmm2, [rsp + 32]
add rsp, 48

When generating wrappers, the generator must recognise this pattern, and merge multiple push/pop operations into a single block, wherever possible.

It is optimal to access memory sequentially from lowest to highest address.

Move Between Registers Instead of Push Pop

In some cases it's possible to mov between registers, rather than doing an explicit push+pop operation

Suppose you have a custom target -> stdcall wrapper. Custom is defined as int@eax FastAdd(int a@eax, int b@ecx).

Normally wrapper generation will convert the arguments like this:

# Re-push STDCALL arguments to stack
push dword [esp + {x}]
push dword [esp + {x}]

# Pop into correct registers
pop eax
pop ecx

# Call that function
# ...

There's opportunities for optimisation here; notably you can do:

# Pop into correct registers
mov eax, [esp + {x}]
mov ecx, [esp + {x}]

# Call that function
# ...

Optimising cases where the source/from convention, e.g. custom target -> stdcall has no register parameters is trivial, since you can directly mov into the intended target register. And this is the most common use case in x86.

For completeness, it should be noted that in the opposite direction stdcall target -> custom, such as one that would be used in entry point of a hook (ReverseWrapper), no optimisation is needed here, as all registers are directly pushed without any extra steps.

In the backend, the wrapper generator keeps track of current stack pointer (assuming start is '0'); and uses that information to match the push and pop operations accordingly 😉

With Register to Register

In x64, and more advanced x86 scenarios where both to/from calling convention have register parameters, mov optimisation is not trivial.

Basic Case

Suppose you have a a function to add 'health' to a character that's in a struct or class. i.e. int AddHealth(Player* this, int amount). (Note: The 'this' parameter to struct instance is implicit and added during compilation.)

class Player {
    int mana;
    int health;

    void AddHealth(int amount) {
        health += amount;
add dword [rdi+4], esi

See for yourself.

add dword [rcx+4], edx

See for yourself.

If you were to make a SystemV target -> Microsoft wrapper; you would have to move the two registers from rcx, rdx to rdi, rsi.

Therefore, a wrapper might have code that looks something like:

# Push register parameters of the function being returned (right to left, reverse loop)
push rdx
push rcx

# Pop parameters into registers of function being called
pop rdi
pop rsi

In this case, it is possible to optimise with:

mov rdi, rcx # last push, first pop
mov rsi, rdx # second last push, second pop

Provided that the wrapper correctly saves and restores callee moved registers for returned method, i.e. backs up RBX, RBP, RDI, RSI, RSP, R12, R13, R14, and R15, this is fine.

Or in the case of this wrapper, just RDI, RSI (due to overlap within the 2 conventions).

The 'strategy' to generate code for this optimisation is keeping track of stack, start between push and pop in the ASM and pair the registers in the corresponding push and pop operations together, going outwards until there is no push/pop left.

Advanced Case

This is just another example.

Suppose we add 2 more parameters...

class Player {
    int mana;
    int health;
    int money;

    void AddStats(int health, int mana, int money) {
        this->health += health;
        this->mana += mana;
        this->money += money;
add dword [rdi+4], esi # health
add dword [rdi], edx   # mana
add dword [rdi+8], ecx # money

See for yourself.

add dword [rcx+4], edx # health
add dword [rcx], r8d   # mana
add dword [rcx+8], r9d # money

See for yourself.

There is now an overlap between the registers used.

Microsoft convention uses:
- rcx for self
- rdx for health

SystemV uses:
- rcx for money
- rdx for mana

The wrapper now does the following

# Push register parameters of the function being returned (right to left, reverse loop)
push rcx
push rdx
push rsi
push rdi

# Pop parameters into registers of function being called
pop rcx
pop rdx
pop r8
pop r9
mov rcx, rdi
mov rdx, rsi
mov r8, rdx
mov r9, rcx

The optimised version of code above contains a bug.

There is a bug because both conventions have overlapping registers, notably rcx and rdx. When you try to do mov r8, rdx, this pushes invalid data, as rdx was already overwritten.

In this specific case, you can reverse the order of operations, and get a correct result:

# Reversed
mov r9, rcx
mov r8, rdx
mov rdx, rsi
mov rcx, rdi

However might not always be the case.

When generating wrappers, we must perform a validation check to determine if any source register in mov target, source hasn't already been overwritten by a prior operation.

Reordering Operations

In the Advanced Case we saw that it's not always possible to perform mov optimisation.

This problem can be solved with a Directed Acyclic Graph.

This problem can be solved in O(n) complexity with a Directed Acyclic Graph, where each node represents a register and an edge (arrow) from Node A to Node B represents a move from register A to register B.

The above (buggy) code would be represented as:

flowchart TD
    RDI --> RCX
    RSI --> RDX
    RDX --> R8
    RCX --> R9

RDI writes to RCX which writes to R9, which is now invalid.
We can determine the correct mov order, by processing them in reverse order of their dependencies

  • mov r9, rcx before mov rcx, rdi
  • mov r8, rdx before mov rdx, rsi

Exact order encoded depends on algorithm implementation in code; as long as the 2 derived rules are followed.

Handling Cycles (2 Node Cycle)

Suppose we have 2 calling conventions with reverse parameter order. For this example we will define convention 🐱call. 🐱call uses the reverse register order of Microsoft compiler.

int AddWithShift(int a, int b) {
    return (a * 16) + b;
shl ecx, 4
lea eax, dword [rdx+rcx]
shl edx, 4
lea eax, dword [rcx+rdx]

The ASM to do the calling convention transformation becomes:

# Push register parameters of the function being returned (right to left, reverse loop)
push rcx
push rdx

# Pop parameters into registers of function being called
pop rcx
pop rdx
mov rcx, rdx
mov rdx, rcx

There is now a cycle.

flowchart TD
    RCX --> RDX
    RDX --> RCX

In this trivial example, you can use xchg or 3 mov(s) to swap between the two registers.

xchg rcx, rdx
mov {temp}, rdx
mov rdx, rcx
xor rcx, {temp}

On some Intel architectures, the mov approach can reportedly be faster, however, it's not possible to procure a scratch register in all cases.

I'll welcome any PRs that detect and write the more optimal choice on a given architecture, however this is not planned for main library.

Adding instructions also means the wrapper might overflow to the next multiple of 16 bytes, causing more instructions to be fetched when it otherwise won't happend with xchg, potentially losing any benefits gained on those architectures.

The mappings done in Reloaded.Hooks are a 1:1 bijective mapping. Therefore any cycle of just 2 registers can be resolved by simply swapping the involved registers.

Handling Cycles (Multi Register Cycle)

Now imagine doing a mapping which involves 3 registers, r8 - r10, and all registers need to be mov'd.

flowchart TD
    R8 --> R9
    R9 --> R10
    R10 --> R8
mov R9, R8
mov R10, R9
mov R8, R10

To resolve this, we backup the register at the end of the cycle (in this case R10), disconnect it from the first register in the cycle and resolve as normal.

i.e. we solve for

flowchart TD
    R8 --> R9
    R9 --> R10

Then write original value of R10 into R8 after this code is converted into mov sequences.

This can be done using the following strategies:

  • mov into scratch register.
    • For mid-function hooks (AsmHook) prefer callee saved register which is not a parameter.
    • For function hooks, use a caller saved register.
  • push + pop register.
# Move value from end of cycle into caller saved register (scratch)
mov RAX, R10

# Original (after reorder)
mov R10, R9
mov R9, R8

# Move from caller saved register into first in cycle.
mov R8, RAX
# Push value from end of cycle into stack
push R10

# Original (after reorder)
mov R10, R9
mov R9, R8

# Pop into intended place from stack
pop R8

When possible to get scratch register, use mov, otherwise use push.

Idea: Eliminate Return Address

This is a theoretical idea, not implemented in library.

Only applies to platforms like x86 return addresses on stack.

In some cases, like converting between stdcall and cdecl; it might be possible to reuse the same parameters from the stack. Take into account the previous example:

# Re push parameters
push dword [esp + {x}]
push dword [esp + {x}]

call {function}
add esp, 8

ret 8

Strictly speaking, to convert from stdcall to cdecl, you will only need to convert from caller stack cleanup to callee stack cleanup i.e. ret 8.

In this case, re-pushing parameters is redundant, as the pushed parameters from the previous method call are on stack and can still be re-used.

What we can instead do, is overwrite the return address and jump to our code.

# Pop previous return address from stack
mov [esp], {addressPostJump} # replace return address
jmp {function} # jump to our function
add esp, 8 # our function returns here due to changed return address
ret 8

Technical Limitations

Wrapper generation does not have understanding of any specific ABI, and as such cannot always be 100% correct in edge cases.

Wrappers Don't understand ABI Specific Rules

Some ABIs have unconventional rules for handling edge cases.

For example, consider the following rule used by the RISC-V ABI.

When primitive arguments twice the size of a pointer-word are passed on the stack, they are naturally aligned. When they are passed in the integer registers, they reside in an aligned even-odd register pair, with the even register holding the least-significant bits. In RV32, for example, the function void foo(int, long long) is passed its first argument in a0 and its second in a2 and a3. Nothing is passed in a1.

The wrappers cannot know or understand the intricate rules such as this that are imposed by an ABI.

Allocating Mixed Size Registers is Tricky.

Optimized code does not suffer from this bug.

The Problem

Consider a function which spills a float register xmm0, and an nint (native size integer).
A Push is basically a sequence of sub and then mov.

So (pretend ASM below is valid)

push xmm0
push rax

Would become

sub rsp, 16
mov [rsp], xmm0
sub rsp, 8
mov [rsp], rax

This is invalid, because the contents of rax will now replace half of the xmm0 register on the stack.
How ABIs and compilers deal with this isn't always well standardised; some only consider lower bits volatile, (Microsoft x64) while others don't preserve the bigger registers at all (SystemV x64).

Our strategy will be to try rearrange the stack operations to avoid this problem, starting by pushing smaller registers first, and then larger registers, effectively creating:

sub rsp, 8
mov [rsp], rax
sub rsp, 16
mov [rsp], xmm0

When using Optimized Code

Currently with optimizations enabled, this code compiles as:

sub rsp, 24
mov [rsp], xmm0
mov [rsp + 16], rax

Which is valid.

Wrappers (Currently) Don't understand how to split larger registers.

Some calling conventions, have rules where larger values (e.g. 128-bit values on x64) are split into 2 registers.

The wrapper generator cannot generate code for these functions currently.