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Platform Overview

This page provides a list of platform specific functionality required for supporting Reloaded.Hooks-rs.

  • Required means library must have this to function.
  • Recommended means library may not work on some edge cases.
  • Optional means library can function without it.

To add support for new platforms, supply the necessary function pointers in

Feature Windows Linux macOS
Permission Change
W^X Disable/Restore N/A N/A [1] ⚠️ [2]
Targeted Memory Allocation

[1] May be present depending on kernel configuration. Have not done adequate research.
[2] Needed for Apple Silicon only.

How to Implement Support

Once you're done, submit a PR to add support for your platform.

Platform Functions

The library provides a file which contains all the platform specific functions.

Implement the functions in this file for your platform. Generally you'll only need unprotect_memory, though on some platforms, you may need to implement disable_write_xor_execute and restore_write_xor_execute as well, depending on the platform's security policy.

For optimal performance, you should add support for your platform to reloaded-memory-buffers.

It's recommended to use reloaded-hooks-rs alongside reloaded-memory-buffers. The concept of the buffers library is to perform allocations as close to original code as possible, allowing for more efficient code.

This requires walking memory pages. If your OS does not have a way to do this, you can in the meantime use the built-in DefaultBufferFactory. On some platforms you'll also need to adjust DefaultBufferFactory::create_page_as_rx, if your platform does not allow RWX allocations.

For DefaultBufferFactory, you might need to replace mmap_rs in get_any_buffer to use your platform specific page allocation function.

Testing Your Implementation

Platform specific functionality is not unit tested as it relies on OS/system state. Instead, integration tests are used to test the functionality.

Find the tests for a given hook type (recommend: assembly_hook tests) and run them on your platform.

If you can't run tests on your platform, copy them to one of your programs manually.

(Required) Permission Change

Many platforms have per-page access permissions; which may prevent certain regions of memory from being modified.

Notably for the use cases of this library, the .text section is usually non-writeable, which prevents hooking app functions out of the box.

To work around this, the library will call the unprotect function in before making code changes in memory. It will then (for performance reasons) leave the memory unprotected for the lifetime of the process (assuming it remains unprotected).

For the common operating systems; the protect/unprotect functions map to the following API calls:

  • Windows: VirtualProtect
  • Linux & macOS: mprotect

(Required) W^X Disable/Restore

Only required on Apple, opt in on Linux/Windows but haven't used in a game software in the wild.


Some platforms enforce a security protection called 'Write XOR Execute'; where a memory page may only be marked as writeable OR executable at any moment in time.

To work around this, the library will call the disable_write_xor_execute function in ahead of every function call. It will then call restore_write_xor_execute after.


The process of code relocation might require that new location of the code is within a certain region of the old code, usually 128MiB, 2GiB or 4GiB (depending on platform).

In this case, you must walk over the memory pages of a process; and find a suitable place to allocate 😉