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Forked from Community Toolkit.

Utility class providing methods for working with object instances.

ObjectMarshal is a utility class that provides methods for calculating byte offsets to specific fields within objects, retrieving references to data within objects at specific offsets, and unboxing values from objects.



public static IntPtr DangerousGetObjectDataByteOffset<T>(object obj, ref T data)

Calculates the byte offset to a specific field within a given object. The input parameters are not validated, and it's the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the data reference is actually pointing to a memory location within obj.


public static ref T DangerousGetObjectDataReferenceAt<T>(object obj, IntPtr offset)

Gets a T reference to data within a given object at a specified offset. None of the input arguments is validated, and it is the responsibility of the caller to ensure they are valid.


public static bool TryUnbox<T>(this object obj, out T value) where T : struct

Tries to get a boxed T value from an input object instance. Returns true if a T value was retrieved correctly, false otherwise.


public static ref T DangerousUnbox<T>(object obj) where T : struct

Unboxes a T value from an input object instance. Throws an InvalidCastException when obj is not of type T.


Calculate Byte Offset

MyStruct myStruct = new MyStruct();
ref int fieldRef = ref myStruct.SomeIntField;
IntPtr offset = ObjectMarshal.DangerousGetObjectDataByteOffset(myStruct, ref fieldRef);

Get Reference At Specific Offset

MyStruct myStruct = new MyStruct();
IntPtr fieldOffset = /* calculated offset */;
ref int fieldRef = ref ObjectMarshal.DangerousGetObjectDataReferenceAt<MyStruct>(myStruct, fieldOffset);

Try to Unbox a value

object boxedInt = 42;
int unboxedInt;

if (boxedInt.TryUnbox(out unboxedInt))
    Console.WriteLine($"Unboxed value: {unboxedInt}");

Unbox a value

object boxedInt = 42;
ref int unboxedInt = ref ObjectMarshal.DangerousUnbox<int>(boxedInt);