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  • .NET 6.0 SDK (or newer).
  • Visual Studio 2019+
    • "Desktop development with C++" workload (Windows 10 SDK)

Obtaining Reloaded

  • Clone this repository and fetch the submodules.
git clone
cd Reloaded-II
git submodule update --init --recursive

Building Reloaded

  • Open 'Source/Reloaded-II.sln' in Visual Studio.
  • Build.

You're done (* ^ ω ^), go play around!

Releasing Reloaded

To distribute Reloaded, build it using the publish script Publish.ps1.

  1. Search for and open Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019.
  2. Change current directory to the Source directory.
  3. Open Powershell by typing in powershell.
  4. Execute .\Publish.ps1.

The output should reside in the Publish folder.