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I/O Library


The I/O library is used for discovery, monitoring changes and parsing of Reloaded-II's configuration files.

Read/Write Loader Configuration


Shows how to read and write to the mod loader configuration.


var config = IConfig<LoaderConfig>.FromPathOrDefault(Paths.LoaderConfigPath);


IConfig<LoaderConfig>.ToPath(config, Paths.LoaderConfigPath);

The IConfig API can be used with all structures inside the Reloaded.Mod.Loader.IO.Config namespace, as such you can also use this API to read app or mod configurations.

Monitor Available Configurations


Shows how to use create services which keep track of all currently available configurations.

These services actively monitor the FileSystem and update their contents whenever a user deletes a mod, modifies a mod or creates a new mod.


// Read Loader Config
var config = IConfig<LoaderConfig>.FromPathOrDefault(Paths.LoaderConfigPath);

// Monitor Mods
var modConfigService = new ModConfigService(config);

// modConfigService.ItemsByFolder | A dictionary of all Folders -> Configurations
// modConfigService.ItemsByPath | A dictionary of all Config File Paths -> Configurations
// modConfigService.ItemsById | A dictionary of all ModIds -> Configurations

The following services are also available:

Service Contents
ApplicationConfigService All Application/Game Configurations.
ModUserConfigService All User Specified Overrides for Mods, e.g. 'Allow Updating to Beta Versions'.

Batch Read Configurations


Shows how to read multiple configurations at once.

The ConfigReader<T> class can be used for the batch reading of configurations.

// Read all mod configurations.
var configs = ConfigReader<ModConfig>.ReadConfigurations(loaderConfig.GetModConfigDirectory(), ModConfig.ConfigFileName, token, 2, 2);

Useful Utility Methods


This section lists some static commonly used utility methods.

Method Purpose
ModConfig.GetAllMods Reads all available mod configurations.
ModConfig.SortMods Sorts a list of mods taking into account their individual dependencies. i.e. Ensures that Mod A is loaded before Mod B if Mod B depends on Mod A.
ModConfig.GetDependencies Returns a list of all dependencies' mod configurations for a given mod.
ModUserConfig.GetAllUserConfigs Retrieves all user configurations that override mod properties.
ModUserConfig.GetUserConfigPathForMod Retrieves the path of a user configuration for a given mod.
ModUserConfig.GetUserConfigFolderForMod Retrieves the path where mod configuration files are stored.
ApplicationConfig.GetAllApplications Retrieves a list of all application configurations.
ApplicationConfig.GetAllMods Retrieves a list of all mods for a given application.

Other Utilities

A list of other utilities that may be helpful.

Class Purpose
Paths Used to get the file paths of various Reloaded components, such as logs and configurations.
IOEx Various utility methods for I/O operations.
FileSystemWatcherFactory Factory method(s) for creating functions that monitor FileSystem events.
NtQueryDirectoryFileSearcher [Windows Only] Very, very fast directory and file searcher.
BasicPeParser Basic fast parser for Windows PE files [EXE, DLL] with limited functionality.