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Update Library


Library for resolving dependencies, searching and downloading Reloaded II mod updates.
[NuGet Package]

Check & Apply Mod Updates


Checks and applies updates for Reloaded mods.

// modConfigService: See IO Library
// modUserConfigService: See IO Library
var updater       = new Updater(modConfigService, modUserConfigService, updaterData);
var updateDetails = await updater.GetUpdateDetailsAsync();

if (updateDetails.HasUpdates())
    // Warning: Consider checking if files are in use.  
    // Otherwise might be stuck waiting for a very long time, there is no timeout.  
    await Updater.Update(Summary);

Alternative lower level API: PackageResolverFactory.

Search for Mods


Shows how to search for mods (NuGet, GameBanana, other supported providers).

// May return null if none are available.
// appConfig represents ApplicationConfig from IO.
var aggregateProvider = PackageProviderFactory.GetProvider(appConfig);

// Search for 'Cool Mod' return, 20 entries, skip 0.
var results = await aggregateProvider.SearchAsync("Cool Mod", 0, 20);

To search for NuGet packages, you will need to manually create NuGetPackageProvider:

// loaderConfig is Mod Loader config
var nuGetRepository = new AggregateNugetRepository(loaderConfig.NuGetFeeds);
var nuGetProvider = new NuGetPackageProvider(nuGetRepository);

You can use AggregatePackageProvider to combine multiple providers:

// Extract from existing provider.
var provider = new AggregatePackageProvider(new IDownloadablePackageProvider[] { nuGetProvider, aggregateProvider }, "NuGet");

Resolve Missing Dependencies For Mod


Shows how to check and download missing dependencies for mods.

Download dependencies for a mod:

// nuGetRepository is AggregateNugetRepository
// mod is ModConfig
var resolver = DependencyResolverFactory.GetInstance(nuGetRepository);
var result = await resolver.ResolveAsync(mod.ModId, mod.PluginData);

For multiple mods:

// The loop is used to resolve nested dependencies (dependencies of dependencies).  
// Non-NuGet sources usually do not have the ability to resolve those.  
ModDependencyResolveResult resolveResult = null!;

    var missingDeps = modConfigService.GetMissingDependencies();
    var resolver = DependencyResolverFactory.GetInstance(nuGetRepository);

    var results = new List<Task<ModDependencyResolveResult>>();
    foreach (var dependencyItem in missingDeps.Items)
    foreach (var dependency in dependencyItem.Dependencies)
        results.Add(resolver.ResolveAsync(dependency, dependencyItem.Mod.PluginData, token));

    await Task.WhenAll(results); // wait for completion
    resolveResult = ModDependencyResolveResult.Combine(results.Select(x => x.Result)); // merge results

    // Download dependencies here using resolveResult.FoundDependencies
    // so on next loop, will find less dependencies.
while (resolveResult.FoundDependencies.Count > 0);

Write Dependency Metadata


Modifies mod configurations to insert data required for resolving dependencies.

e.g. If Mod A depends on Mod B, which receives updates from GitHub, Mod A's config will be modified to include Mod B's update configuration. This will allow people to download Mod B if they have Mod A.

// modConfigService is ModConfigService
await DependencyMetadataWriterFactory.ExecuteAllAsync(modConfigService);

Check Reloaded Dependencies


Shows how to check if all runtimes required to run Reloaded are available.

// loaderConfig is LoaderConfig from IO library.
var deps = new DependencyChecker(loaderConfig, IntPtr.Size == 8); // 64-bit check
if (deps.AllAvailable) 

// In deps array you can get install urls for any missing runtimes via the interface.

Grabs loader path from the loader config. This is used to check for missing dependencies on boot in cases where e.g. user installed 64-bit runtime but not 32-bit after ignoring the installer.