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This section is a quick reference/directory to the various utility functions and classes available.

ReloadedHooks & IReloadedHooks

ReloadedHooks is a one stop shop for this library, encompassing all main and commonly used functionality inside of a single class.

For example:

_reloadedHooks.CreateWrapper<NtCreateFile>(ntCreateFile, out _);

Would be functionally equivalent to: new X86.Wrapper.Create<TFunction>(function, out _); or new X64.Wrapper.Create<TFunction>(function, out _); depending on architecture of current process.

If you are already familiar with Reloaded.Hooks as a library, everything inside IReloadedHooks should be self explanatory.


Function<T> is an API that wraps a native function given a pointer and instance of IReloadedHooks.

For example, creating an instance of the class:

// _calculator.Add is a function address
// _hooks is an instance of ReloadedHooks
_addFunction = new Function<Calculator.AddFunction>((long)_calculator.Add, _hooks);

Allows you to more easily use common operations of the library.

// Hook Function
_addHook = _addFunction.Hook(Hookfunction).Activate();

// Call Function
 _addFunction.GetWrapper()(x, y);

The intended use of this class is to simplify usage when building APIs that can interface with a given process. For example: APIs that allow for hacking specific games.

Remarks: The return value of GetWrapper() is cached, repeated calls will return the same results.

Calling Function Pointers

Should you ever find yourself needing to call functions that are pointed to by a pointer whose value constantly changes, Reloaded.Hooks provides you with a simple utility class to help you alleviate the pain of constantly changing function addresses.

The utility class is simply named FunctionPtr and can be found at Reloaded.Hooks.Tools respectively - the usage is simple. Here is a small sample example:

// 0x123456 is the address of a pointer which points to a function of type MyCustomDelegate
// MyCustomDelegate is a delegate marked with FunctionAttribute and UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute.
FunctionPtr<MyCustomDelegate> functionPtr = new FunctionPtr<MyCustomDelegate>(0x123456);

// Gets the address of our function (dereferences pointer).
var functionAddress = functionPtr.GetFunctionAddress(0); // Index: This class supports arrays of pointers.

// Gets the delegate to use for calling the native function and calls the function.
// You should this every time you intend to use the function pointer to call function. 
var myCustomFunction = functionPtr.GetDelegate();