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Forked from Community Toolkit.

Utility class providing high performance extension methods for working with the bool type.

BoolExtensions is a utility class that provides extension methods for the bool type, including converting bool values to byte, int, and long masks.



public static unsafe byte ToByte(this bool flag)

Converts the given bool value into a byte. Returns 1 if flag is true, 0 otherwise. This method does not contain branching instructions.


public static unsafe int ToBitwiseMask32(this bool flag)

Converts the given bool value to an int mask with all bits representing the value of the input flag (either 0xFFFFFFFF or 0x00000000). This method does not contain branching instructions.


public static unsafe long ToBitwiseMask64(this bool flag)

Converts the given bool value to a long mask with all bits representing the value of the input flag (either all 1s or 0s). This method does not contain branching instructions.


Convert Bool to Byte

bool flag = true;
byte result = flag.ToByte();

Convert Bool to Int Mask

bool flag = true;
int mask = flag.ToBitwiseMask32();

Convert Bool to Long Mask

bool flag = true;
long mask = flag.ToBitwiseMask64();