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Endian Class

The Endian class provides various utilities for converting primitives and structures between endians.



public static byte Reverse(byte value)
public static sbyte Reverse(sbyte value)
public static short Reverse(short value)
public static ushort Reverse(ushort value)
public static int Reverse(int value)
public static uint Reverse(uint value)
public static long Reverse(long value)
public static ulong Reverse(ulong value)
public static float Reverse(float value)
public static double Reverse(double value)

Reverses the byte order of the specified value.

Reverse (Generic)


Utility method for structs with single values.


This method is provided for convenience.
If the item size is not 1/2/4/8 bytes, this method will throw.

public static T Reverse<T>(T value) where T : unmanaged

Reverses the endian of a primitive value such as int, short, float, double etc.


Reversing an Integer's Endian

int value = 42;
int reversedValue = Endian.Reverse(value);

Console.WriteLine($"Original Value: {value}, Reversed Value: {reversedValue}");

This will print something like:

Original Value: 42, Reversed Value: 704643072

Reversing a Custom Struct's Endian


This will only work if the struct is a blittable type.

struct NamedOffset
    public int Offset;

MyStruct value = new NamedOffset { Offset = 1 };
MyStruct reversedValue = Endian.Reverse(value);

Console.WriteLine($"Original Value: {value.X}, Reversed Value: {reversedValue.X}");

This will print something like:

Original Value: 1 Reversed Value: 16777216