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Server Library


Library for communicating with 'Reloaded II Server' mod (formerly part of mod loader).
Allows for remote querying of information as well as mod manipulation (e.g. load/unload mods) in real time.
[NuGet Package]

Connect to Server


Connects to the server for remote control.

// Create a new client. will automatically asynchronously connect.  
// Can specify remote IP address, but user must enable 'Allow External Connections' in 'Reloaded II Server' Mod.  
// ... and port forward
Client = new LiteNetLibClient(IPAddress.Loopback, "", _port, true);

// If the server restarts, e.g. user unloaded and reloaded the mod, 
// you should probably try to get the server's new port number (in case it changed).
Client.OnTryReconnect += (peer) => TryGetPort(out _port); // see below how to get new port
Client.OverrideDetailsOnReconnect += () => (null, _port); // overrides port in reconnect attempt

// Report back exceptions.
Client.OnReceiveException += ClientOnReceiveException;

// Useful:
//  Client.OnConnected | When client connects to host.
//  Client.IsConnected | If client is connected.

If the server is hosted on the same machine, you can get the port number programmatically:


Check if Reloaded is Present


Checks if Reloaded has been loaded into a process with a given ID.
