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NuGet Sources

NuGet is the primary source for downloading mods and searching for missing mod dependencies. You can directly download mods from NuGet servers via the Download Mods menu.

Reloaded comes preconfigured with a single official server intended for hosting code mods.

Adding new Sources

Additional NuGet servers can be configured from inside the Download Mods menu by pressing Configure Sources.

Simply press the New button and then fill a name and URL. The URL should point to something called a NuGet Index. This is a URL which generally ends with /v3/index.json.

This URL is generally provided on either a Feed Details or Upload Instructions page.

Example URLs:

Please Note:

Reloaded handles NuGet errors silently. If it cannot contact a NuGet server; it wouldn't display any error message, etc.

Hosting A Server

Reloaded-II uses the NuGet V3 API and as such any API compliant NuGet server should work correctly without problems. The official Reloaded server uses a modified version of BaGet, forked as BaGet-Reloaded. Self hosting instructions for a clean VPS are provided in the repository.

Other servers/services known to work properly are MyGet as well as the official NuGet Gallery.