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Project Structure

Core Components

Reloaded.Mod.Launcher + Reloaded.Mod.Launcher.Lib

The WPF application responsible for the management of settings, mods, registered applications as well as loading and communicating with the mod loader.

  • Reloaded.Mod.Launcher contains the view (WPF) portion.
  • Reloaded.Mod.Launcher.Lib contains the actual launcher code, including ViewModels.

Powered by .NET 5.X at the time of last update.


The mod loader itself, it unironically loads mods.

For each mod, the loader provides isolation through a plugin system such that they can load each of their own dependencies without version clashes: For example one mod could load Json.NET 10 and another Json.NET 11, despite both having the same DLL name.

The loader also supports a local server, which can be accessed by other clients such as the launcher. Said server provides support for e.g. Loading/Unloading/Suspending/Resuming mods and getting their state at runtime.

Reloaded.Mod.Loader.Bootstrapper (C++)

Simple native bootstrapper DLL, which when injected into a process, loads the .NET Runtime and Reloaded.Mod.Loader.
This DLL can be copied to integrate the mod loader into other loaders seamlessly. Custom entry points for some common DLL Hijacking based loaders like Ultimate ASI Loader are also supported.

By default it loads asynchronously.
Due to Windows DLL Loader lock, it cannot unfortunately run synchronously to ensure mods execute before application code, however support is added for restarting the process via Reloaded's launcher, which will ensure mods load before application code.

This bootstrapper also ensures the loader is only loaded once into the process.


Simple utility program that is executed by Reloaded.Mod.Launcher during startup.
It is used to extract the address of the LoadLibraryW function to allow for DLL Injection into x86 processes from an x64 one.



One click custom written installer for Reloaded.
Installs all necessary dependencies and gets the mod loader up and running in under a minute.

Written in .NET 4.7.2 which should be preinstalled in any up to date Windows version.
Ships as Setup.exe.


Simple program for generating NuGet packages which can be later uploaded to a repository and consumed within Reloaded. Intended for usage in CI/CD scenarios, where updates need to be automatically generated without the use of a GUI.

Reloaded-II NuGet Package Converter
Converts mod folders or archives into NuGet packages.
Usage: NuGetConverter.exe <Mod Folder or Archive Path> <Output Path>.
Example: NuGetConverter.exe Mod.nupkg
Example: NuGetConverter.exe reloaded.test.mod reloaded.test.mod.nupkg
Example: NuGetConverter.exe reloaded.test.mod ./packages/reloaded.test.mod.nupkg


Simple program that generates update files and releases without requiring the use of the full launcher.
Intended for usage in CI/CD scenarios, where updates need to be automatically generated without the use of a GUI.



Project containing interfaces for mod loader components to be shared between the mod loader and other external components such as mods. This package contains no code, only interfaces and is the only requirement to get a Reloaded mod started.

Usually compiles down to tiny ~8KB DLL.


Contains the code for reading all and monitoring configuration files in Reloaded.
Can be used as an external library outside of R-II.


A library allowing you to send remote commands to an instance of Reloaded living inside a process.
Contains the complete implementation for the mod loader server including all of the messages, responses and general driving code.

It contains a fully featured client class for easy communication with the mod loader server.
Only the host class is contained in the actual mod loader itself.


The part of Reloaded responsible for fetching and applying updates for the individual mod packages.
Separated out from Reloaded.Mod.Launcher.Lib for potential reuse.


Subset of Reloaded.Mod.Loader.Update containing only the necessary code to create individual update packages.
Separated out to keep tool binaries smaller.


Subset of Reloaded.Mod.Loader.Update.
Contains the code to search for missing dependencies and install them.
Separated out in otder to keep the Reloaded.Mod.Installer binary small.


Contains items shared between the Launcher, Loader and Kernel32AddressDumper.
Things that don't fit into any other library go here.