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Native Support

This backend provides support for native mods on all platforms.

For example:

Backend Description
win-x86 Native x86 Support on Windows
win-x64 Native x64 Support on Windows
win-arm64 Native ARM64 Support on Windows
linux-x86 Native x86 Support on Linux
linux-x64 Native x64 Support on Linux
linux-arm64 Native ARM64 Support on Linux

This is the only backend that is directly implemented in the mod loader itself (as we are already in a native environment). All other backends are implemented as external mods.

Configuration Fields

These are the configuration properties that apply to Mod Metadata Targets

Type Name Description
string any Path to DLL.

For any, platform default extensions are assumed. For example, if the backend specified is win-x64, it is assumed the CPU supports SSE2; which is required by x64 spec.

Instruction Sets

Configurations can define DLLs built for processor-specific feature sets.

We use microarchitecture levels to define the supported targets:

Type Name Description
string x64-v2 Path to DLL targeting x86-64-v2
string x64-v3 Path to DLL targeting x86-64-v3
string x64-v4 Path to DLL targeting x86-64-v4

Compilers based on LLVM (Clang, Rust etc.) can directly target these.

This functionality is provided for high performance dependencies, where every fraction of a nanosecond counts.

It is not expected that mod authors will manually leverage this functionality; that said; it is hoped we can make it easy to use during the publish process if possible.

Determining Supported Instruction Set on Local Machine

Start with core-detect crate, and make a separate library with helper methods to determine which category the current CPU falls under.

You can use rustc --print=cfg -C target-cpu=x86-64-v3 to print the specific target_feature(s) available to a CPU.

Emulating Instruction Sets for 32-bit Targets

x86-64-v* don't have equivalents for 32-bit targets in LLVM.

But we can derive them!

To derive them, use the Rust compiler like so rustc --print=cfg -C target-cpu=x86-64-v4. This will print a list of details for the target, alongside, most importantly, target features.

Example for x86-64-v2


From there, we have to filter out features which are not available in 32-bit mode.

  • avx512bw, avx512cd, avx512dq, avx512f, avx512vl: These AVX-512 extensions are 64-bit only.
  • cmpxchg16b: This extension is only available in 64-bit mode. May be possible to use in 32-bit programs but atomic read/write of 128-bit values is not guaranteed in 32-bit mode.

Therefore we can derive the following:

Type Name Features
string x86-v2 fxsr lahfsahf popcnt sse sse2 sse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 ssse3
string x86-v3 all previous + avx avx2 bmi1 bmi2 f16c fma lzcnt movbe xsave

The microarch level i686-v4 is redundant, because all new features in x86-64-v4 are not supported in 32-bit mode.

These features come from LLVM, so can also be used with Clang, etc.

Information for Project Template Authors

For project templates it is recommended to target LLVM-based toolchains (Clang, Rust, etc.)

For the following reasons:

  • They can directly target the microarchitecture levels mentioned above.
  • More portable, for example, you can cross compile (e.g. build for Windows from Linux).
  • They can generate better code.