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Mod Configurations

TODO: Enabling 'features' in configs.

This file specifies the schema for the config.toml file that defines package configuration settings.

The config.toml file is used to declare a list of configurable settings for a package (e.g. mod).

It allows authors to expose various options to users, with Reloaded3 automatically generating an appropriate UI for adjusting these settings based on their types and specified constraints.

File Structure

The config.toml file has the following structure:

name = "Mod Name"
author = "Author Name"
language_folder = "config"
default_language = "en-GB.toml"

type = "bool"
description = "SETTING_BOOL_DESC"
default = true

type = "choice"
description = "SETTING_CHOICE_DESC"
choices = ["OPTION_1", "OPTION_2", "OPTION_3"]
default = "OPTION_2"

# Additional setting definitions...

The file is divided into two main sections:

  • [general]: Contains general metadata about the mod and its configuration.
  • [[settings]]: An array of setting definitions, with each setting enclosed in double brackets [[]].

General Metadata

The [general] section contains the following fields:

Field Type Description
name string The name of the mod. Used in the UI.
author string The author of the mod.
language_folder string The subfolder containing the language files for the config.
default_language string The default language file to use, relative to the language_folder.

Language Location

An example of how language files are set.

Given a mod folder structured like

├── modfiles
│   └── mod.dll
├── languages
│   └── config
│       ├── en-GB.toml
│       └── uwu-en.toml
├── config.toml
└── package.toml

Setting language_folder = "config" and default_language = "en-GB.toml" would use the en-GB.toml file.

Common Setting Fields

All setting types share the following common fields:

Field Type Description
index number Index of the setting. Make this a unique number and never change it.
type string The data type of the setting. See individual setting types.
name string The localization key for the setting name.
description string The localization key for the setting description.
default varies The default value for the setting. Type depends on type.
apply_on string When to apply setting changes. One of "restart", "save", "instant".
variable string Optional variable name to reference the setting in conditionals.
client_side bool [Optional] Indicates if the setting should not be overwritten by the host in multiplayer.
show_if condition See: Conditional Settings

The name and description fields should reference localization keys as described in the Localisation Format page.

Field Types

  • type, name, description, apply_on, variable: string
  • default: varies based on the setting type


  • restart: Requires a restart of application/game to apply changes.
  • save: Applies settings when you hit save button.
  • instant: Applies settings in real-time.


If true, this config won't be overwritten when joining an online multiplayer lobby.

This allows for mods such as UI mods to be used in mods that add online play without forcibly being disabled.

By default this value is false. So config would get overwritten.

How are Settings Displayed?

The settings are displayed in the exact order they are defined in the config.toml file.

What the Launcher UI displays should match 1:1 with the order of settings in the config.toml file.

Setting Types

Declares the type of settings you can display.

Boolean Setting

A boolean value, presented as a checkbox.

Field Type Description
image_on string [Optional] Image to display when value is true.
image_off string [Optional] Image to display when value is false.


index = 0
type = "bool"
description = "SETTING_ENABLE_X_DESC"
default = false
image_on = "enable_x_on.jxl"
image_off = "enable_x_off.jxl"

Choice (Enum) Setting

A multiple-choice setting, presented as a dropdown.

Additional Fields:

Field Type Description
choices [string] An array of localization keys for the available options.
choice_images [string] [Optional] An array of images for each choice, corresponding to the choices array.


index = 1
type = "choice"
choice_images = ["render_mode_a.jxl", "render_mode_b.jxl", "render_mode_c.jxl"]
default = "RENDER_MODE_B"

It's a breaking change to remove an entry from choices.

You can hide a choice by replacing it with a blank string, "", this will hide it from the user UI.


Here, MODE_B was hidden.

Integer Setting

An integer value, presented as a number input.

Additional Fields:

Field Type Description
min int (Default: -2^63) The minimum allowed value.
max int (Default: -2^63) The maximum allowed value.
formatters [string] Formatters to apply to the value.


index = 2
type = "int"
description = "SETTING_COUNT_DESC"
default = 5
min = 0
max = 100
formatters = ["FRIENDLY"]

Integer Range Setting

An integer value within a range, presented as a slider.

Additional Fields:

Field Type Description
min int (Default: -2^63) The minimum allowed value.
max int (Default: 2^63) The maximum allowed value.
step int The increment step for the slider.
labels [string, string] Localization keys for min and max value labels.
formatters [string] Formatters to apply to the value.
range_images [[int, string]] [Optional] The image to display for each value.


index = 3
type = "int_range"
min = 0
max = 100
step = 5
default = 50
labels = ["LABEL_LOW", "LABEL_HIGH"]
formatters = ["PERCENTAGE"]
range_images = [
    [0, "intensity_low.jxl"],
    [50, "intensity_medium.jxl"],
    [80, "intensity_high.jxl"]

About range_images

The values specified here are minimums. So in this example, intensity_low.jxl will be used for values 0-49, and intensity_medium.jxl for 50-79.

Float Setting

A floating-point value, presented as a number input.

Additional Fields:

Field Type Description
min float The minimum allowed value.
max float The maximum allowed value.
places int The number of decimal places (0-5).
formatters [string] Formatters to apply to the value.


index = 4
type = "float"
description = "SETTING_SCALE_DESC"
default = 1.0
min = 0.1
max = 10.0
places = 2
formatters = ["ROUNDED"]

Float Range Setting

A floating-point value within a range, presented as a slider.

Additional Fields:

Field Type Description
min float The minimum allowed value.
max float The maximum allowed value.
step float The increment step for the slider.
labels [string, string] Localization keys for min and max value labels.
formatters [string] Formatters to apply to the value.
range_images [[int, string]] [Optional] The image to display for each value.


index = 5
type = "float_range"
description = "SETTING_VOLUME_DESC"
min = 0.0
max = 1.0
step = 0.1
default = 0.5
labels = ["LABEL_MUTE", "LABEL_MAX"]
formatters = ["PERCENTAGE"]
range_images = [
    [0.0, "volume_mute.jxl"],
    [0.5, "volume_medium.jxl"],
    [0.8, "volume_high.jxl"]

About range_images

The values specified here are minimums. So in this example, volume_mute.jxl will be used for x < 0.5, and intensity_medium.jxl for x >0.5 and <0.8.

File Setting

A file path, presented as a file picker dialog.

Additional Fields:

Field Type Description
filter string File extension filter (e.g. "*.png").
default string Default file path (relative to a package folder).
title string Localization key for the title of the file picker dialog.
multiple bool If true, allows selecting multiple files.


Use of absolute paths or paths outside of a Reloaded3 package folder is discouraged as it breaks reproducibility. The setting will not be shared across different machines or installations.


index = 6
type = "file"
description = "SETTING_MODEL_DESC"
default = "models/custom.obj"
filter = "*.obj"
multiple = false

Folder Setting

A folder path, presented as a folder picker dialog.

Additional Fields:

Field Type Description
default string Default folder path (relative to a package folder).
title string Localization key for the title of the folder picker dialog.


Use of absolute paths or paths outside of a Reloaded3 package folder is discouraged as it breaks reproducibility. The setting will not be shared across different machines or installations.


index = 7
type = "folder"
description = "SETTING_OUTPUT_DESC"
default = "output"

Color Setting

A color value, presented as a color picker.

Additional Fields:

Field Type Description
alpha bool Whether to include alpha channel.


index = 8
type = "color"
description = "SETTING_BG_COLOR_DESC"
default = "#FF0000"
alpha = true

The default is specified as RGBA

String Setting

A string value, presented as a text input.

Field Type Description
hide_text bool Hides the text (password input)


index = 9
type = "string"
hide_text = false

String List Setting

A list of strings, presented as a comma-separated text input.


index = 10
type = "string_list"
default = ["dll", "exe"]

Internally, the value is stored as a single string with elements separated by |.

URL Setting

A read-only setting that opens a URL when clicked.


index = 11
type = "url"
default = ""

Conditional Settings

Settings can be conditionally displayed based on the values of other settings.

To conditionally display a setting, add a show_if field with an array of condition expressions. Each condition expression has the following format:

    variable = "<variable_name>",
    comparator = "<comparator>",
    value = "<value>"


  • <variable_name> is the variable name of the setting to check.
  • <comparator> is one of: =, !=, >, >=, <, <=.
  • <value> is the value to compare against, always represented as a string.
  • <op> is either AND or OR, specifying how this condition combines with the previous one.


index = 12
type = "bool"
default = false
variable = "enable_logging"

index = 13
type = "choice"
description = "SETTING_LOG_LEVEL_DESC"
default = "LOG_LEVEL_INFO"
variable = "log_level"
show_if = [
    { variable = "enable_logging", comparator = "=", value = "true" },
    { op = "AND", variable = "enable_advanced_settings", comparator = "=", value = "true" }

In this example, the SETTING_LOG_LEVEL setting will only be displayed if both enable_logging and enable_advanced_settings are set to true.

This can be applied to individual settings as well as groups.

Setting Groups

Settings can be organized into collapsible groups for better readability.

To create a group, add a [group] section before the settings you want to include.


description = "GROUP_GRAPHICS_DESC"
show_global = true

index = 14
type = "int"
description = "SETTING_WIDTH_DESC"
default = 1920

index = 15
type = "int"
description = "SETTING_HEIGHT_DESC"
default = 1080

name = "GROUP_AUDIO"
description = "GROUP_AUDIO_DESC"

index = 16
type = "float"
description = "SETTING_VOLUME_DESC"
default = 0.5

This creates two groups, "Graphics" and "Audio", each containing their respective settings. The group's name and description fields should reference localization keys.

Field Type Description
name string The localization key for the setting name.
description string The localization key for the setting description.
show_global bool Display the setting as Globally Configurable Across Loadouts

Variables and Special Locations

The file and folder settings support the use of special location references in their default field.

Special Location References

TODO: Move these to a 'standard' mods can also use.

Special location references can be used to point to predefined directories. The available references are:

  • $ModFolder: The root folder of the current mod.
  • $Desktop: The user's desktop folder.
  • $Documents: The user's documents folder.
  • $Downloads: The user's downloads folder.
  • $Music: The user's music folder.
  • $Pictures: The user's pictures folder.
  • $Videos: The user's videos folder.
  • ${mod:<ModId>}: The folder of another mod (e.g. ${mod:reloaded3.utility.examplemod.s56}).


index = 14
type = "file"
default = "$ModFolder/config.ini"
filter = "*.ini"

In this example, the SETTING_CONFIG_FILE setting uses the mod's root folder as the default location to look for the configuration file.

Value Formatters

Value formatters can be applied to settings like int, int_range, float, and float_range to modify how the value is displayed in the UI.

The available formatters are:

  • FRIENDLY: Displays large numbers in a friendly format (e.g. 1,000,000 -> 1M).
  • SIZE_FRIENDLY: Displays value in MB or GB for readability.
  • SIZE_FRIENDLY_RATE: Same as SIZE_FRIENDLY but appends rate, e.g. MB/s.
  • PERCENTAGE: Displays value as percentage (0-100).
  • ROUNDED: Rounds value to the nearest integer.

Multiple formatters can be combined by specifying them in an array.


index = 20
type = "int"
default = 1048576
min = 0
max = 10737418240
formatters = ["SIZE_FRIENDLY"]

In this example, the SETTING_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT setting will display its value in MB or GB for better readability.

Simulating Multiple Config Files

In Reloaded-II, it was possible to create multiple config files.

However, this feature no longer exists in the current configuration system.

Instead, to achieve a similar effect, you can duplicate the fields within a single config.toml file and place the settings into appropriate groups.

You can then use the show_if field to conditionally display or hide entire groups based on specific conditions.

Here's an example of enabling settings for Player 1 and Player 2:

index = 0
type = "bool"
description = "SETTING_ENABLE_P1_DESC"
default = true
variable = "enable_p1"

index = 1
type = "bool"
description = "SETTING_ENABLE_P2_DESC"
default = false
variable = "enable_p2"

name = "GROUP_PLAYER_1"
description = "GROUP_PLAYER_1_DESC"
show_if = [{ variable = "enable_p1", comparator = "=", value = "true" }]

index = 2
type = "string"
name = "SETTING_P1_NAME"
description = "SETTING_P1_NAME_DESC"
default = "Player 1"

# ... Additional Player 1 settings ...

name = "GROUP_PLAYER_2"
description = "GROUP_PLAYER_2_DESC"
show_if = [{ variable = "enable_p2", comparator = "=", value = "true" }]

index = 10
type = "string"
name = "SETTING_P2_NAME"
description = "SETTING_P2_NAME_DESC"
default = "Player 2"

# ... Additional Player 2 settings ...

In this example, we have two settings (SETTING_ENABLE_P1 and SETTING_ENABLE_P2) that control the visibility of the Player 1 and Player 2 settings, respectively.

This is done via the show_if field, and the enable_p1 and enable_p2 variables.

Careful with the copy-paste.

Remember to update setting names, descriptions, and group names to reflect the correct player.

Source Generation

For details on generating source code from the config.toml schema file, see the Source Generation page.

Configuration Versioning

When versioning configuration files, follow these rules


  • ❌ Avoid changing the type of a setting
  • ❌ Avoid changing the meaning of a setting

If you need to do any of the following, please make a new setting and remove the old setting.
That way, setting files from older versions of the package will still work.

Slightly tweaking settings in compatible ways of course, such as adjusting min-max ranges is fine.


✅ Provide default values for new settings

Hardware Settings