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Controller Settings Binary Schema

This section describes the binary schema for serializing controller settings efficiently.

The schema is designed to pack the settings data tightly to minimize storage space.

The data assumes it is not aligned.

Schema Overview

The controller settings data is stored as a sequence of bytes, with each setting represented by a group of bytes.

All multi-byte values are stored in little-endian format. The file is 4 byte aligned.

This file is not as aggressively packed as the other configs.

The number of times a user rebinds is usually small. And we can still make use of SOLID compression.

Field Type Description
version u8 The file version. Currently 0.
num_controllers u8 The number of controller specific settings.
num_players u8 The number of player slots.
reserved u8

Controller Entry

This involves a sequence of settings for each controller.

Field Type Description
controller_index u8 The unique identifier for the controller.
reserved u8 Unused
config_size u16 The size of the embedded regular config in bytes.
config_data u8[config_size] Config data serialized using Standard

Player Entry

This involves a sequence of settings for each player.

Field Type Description
file_size u19 The size of the file.
num_settings u13 The number of settings (for each player).

file_size is in lower bits, num_settings is in higher bits.

num_settings is constrained to 8191.

Hopefully that's sufficient.

Size: 4 bytes

Binding Header

Each setting entry in the binary data follows this format:

Field Type Description
setting_index u16 The unique index of the setting.
num_bindings u8 The number of bindings for the setting.
padding u8 Currently unused.
binding_data [binding-entry][config-schema] The serialized data for each binding.

Size: 4

Binding Entry

Each binding entry within a setting follows this format:

Field Type Description
controller_index u8 The index of the gamepad to which the binding applies.
type u8 The type of the binding (0: button, 1: axis, 2: hat).
value u8 The value of the binding ([button, axis, or hat constant][available-bin2dings]).
comparison u8 The comparison operator for axis bindings (0: >=, 1: <=).
threshold f32 The threshold value for axis bindings.
deadzone f32 The deadzone value for axis bindings.
radius f32 The radius value for axis bindings.
scale f32 The scale value for button bindings to emulate an axis.

Size: 20 bytes

Serialization Steps

  1. Write the header.
  2. For each controller:
    1. Write the controller_index as a 1-byte unsigned integer.
    2. Serialize the regular config data for the controller's settings according to the schema.
    3. Write the size of the serialized config data as a 2-byte unsigned integer (config_size).
    4. Write the serialized config data.
  3. For each player:
    1. Write the file_size and num_settings as a 4-byte value, with file_size in the lower 19 bits and num_settings in the upper 13 bits.
    2. For each setting:
      1. Write the setting_index as a 2-byte unsigned integer.
      2. Write the num_bindings as a 1-byte unsigned integer.
      3. For each binding in the setting:
        1. Write the controller_index as a 1-byte unsigned integer.
        2. Write the type as a 1-byte unsigned integer.
        3. Write the value as a 2-byte unsigned integer.
        4. Write the threshold as a 4-byte floating-point value.
        5. Write the comparison as a 1-byte unsigned integer.
        6. Write the deadzone as a 4-byte floating-point value.
        7. Write the radius as a 4-byte floating-point value.
        8. Write the scale as a 4-byte floating-point value.

Deserialization Steps

  1. Read the header.
  2. For each controller (repeated num_controllers times):
    1. Read the controller_index as a 1-byte unsigned integer.
    2. Read the config_size as a 2-byte unsigned integer.
    3. Read config_size bytes of serialized regular config data.
    4. Deserialize the regular config data according to the schema.
  3. For each player (repeated num_players times):
    1. Read the file_size and num_settings as a 4-byte value.
    2. Extract file_size from the lower 19 bits and num_settings from the upper 13 bits.
    3. For each setting (repeated num_settings times):
      1. Read the setting_index as a 2-byte unsigned integer.
      2. Read the num_bindings as a 1-byte unsigned integer.
      3. For each binding (repeated num_bindings times):
        1. Read the controller_index as a 1-byte unsigned integer.
        2. Read the type as a 1-byte unsigned integer.
        3. Read the value as a 2-byte unsigned integer.
        4. Read the threshold as a 4-byte floating-point value.
        5. Read the comparison as a 1-byte unsigned integer.
        6. Read the deadzone as a 4-byte floating-point value.
        7. Read the radius as a 4-byte floating-point value.
        8. Read the scale as a 4-byte floating-point value.
        9. Reconstruct the binding entry using the read values.
    4. Reconstruct the setting entry using the setting_index, num_bindings, and the list of binding entries.