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Windows Inject into Suspended


You create a process in suspended state, then inject a DLL into it and unsuspend; relatively trivial.


Although preferred, this approach is not enforced by the spec.

To create a process in suspended state, use CreateProcessW with CREATE_SUSPENDED flag; then resume the primary thread after injecting Reloaded.


// Create a suspended process
if (CreateProcessW(NULL, commandLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi))
    // DLL Inject in Here

    // Resume the process

Technical Issues


DLL Injection into a 32-bit process from a 64-bit process can be tricky.

Basically, some approaches to DLL Injection cannot be used with a suspended process.

This comes down to, EnumProcessModulesEx (and its friends). On Windows, you can't enumerate the modules of a process that was started suspended because they haven't been loaded in yet. This in turn means you can't get the address of kernel32.dll in an x86 process from a x64 process; and kernel32 is necessary for LoadLibraryW to in turn inject your DLLs.

The good news? Reloaded.Injector will support this use case in >= 2.X.