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My mod manager implements game specific functionality. How can I migrate this to R3?


Port the runtime functionality to a Reloaded3 Mod. Then simply import/export a mod config when you load/save from the Manager.

We will use HedgeModManager's Codes system as an example.


HedgeModManager has a codes system that allows users to write short scripts using C# which modify game behaviour. This is intended for 1 liners for which writing a full mod would be overkill.

In HMM when the game is ran, the loader loads the .NET (Framework) runtime, pastes the enabled codes and compiles them using Roslyn, the C# compiler. The logic to load the framework and start code compilation is directly tied to the mod loader.

To cleanly port this to Reloaded3, you would:

  • Wrap the Codes Compiler in a Reloaded3 Mod.
  • Export enabled Codes as Codes Compiler Mod Configuration.
  • Have Mod Manager Auto-Enable Codes Compiler Mod if any Codes Enabled.

It is not as much work as you think 😉.

With those changes, now:

  • Everyone can now use HedgeModManager's code system with any game.
  • The user experience for HedgeModManager users is unchanged.


Of course this is only an example; circumstances may be different depending on feature.

My game requires that mods are merged.
