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Monitor Settings

This allows you to configure settings on a per-monitor basis.

Not all displays may support this.

Over 95% will, but availability of these settings may depend on the OS and display connector used.

  • HasFallback: yes

We will use SDL for this

You can add monitor specific settings under the [[hardware.monitors]] section.



index = 32
type = "resolution_dropdown"
description = "Game resolution on this monitor"

index = 33
type = "resolution_refresh_rate_dropdown"
description = "Resolution and refresh rate on this monitor"

index = 34
type = "bool"
description = "Enable borderless mode on this monitor"
default = false

To uniquely identify a monitor, Reloaded3 settings use the unique_id field, which is bytes 8-15 of the monitor's EDID. That's manufacturer ID, product ID, and serial number.

Ensure that each setting has a unique index value.

The settings defined under the monitor section are an extension of the regular settings. Therefore, they should have a unique index value.

If the EDID is not available, we will try monitor_name, and lastly monitor_index.

resolution_dropdown Setting

A dropdown to select a specified resolution for the monitor.

Additional Fields:

Field Type Description
resolutions Resolution [Optional] Array of available resolutions, auto-populated from the monitor

If resolutions is not provided, the available resolutions will be automatically queried from the monitor.

Use this for old games with a fixed delta time.

i.e. Games that only run at 60fps and have physics tied to the frame rate.

resolution_refresh_rate_dropdown Setting

A dropdown to select a resolution and refresh rate combo for the monitor.

Additional Fields:

Field Type Description
resolution_refresh_rates ResolutionRefreshRate [Optional] Array of available resolution and refresh rate combos, auto-populated from the monitor

If resolution_refresh_rates is not provided, the available resolution and refresh rate combos will be automatically queried from the monitor.

Users can also manually enter an arbitrary resolution or refresh rate value.