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Hardware Configurations

Hardware settings are settings that are tied to your user.

These are not carried as part of loadouts, but rather as part of the user/profile configuration.

To define hardware-specific settings, add an [hardware] section to the [config.toml][config-schema] file.


Ability to configure Windows mod settings from Linux

This involves running a helper program inside WINE

And communicating the results over inter-process-communication (IPC).

This will most likely involve sockets.

If possible, run the exact WINE/Proton version used to start the game.

Ability to reorder Device Indexes

Sometimes you may not be able to uniquely identify a device.

In those cases, you should be able to refer to devices by 'index' and reorder them.

Sometimes you may not be able to uniquely identify a device.

For example, the user should be able to swap settings between 2 controllers in a trivial manner.

Libraries should be usable outside of Reloaded3 Configs

Some libraries here are 'unique' and should be reusable

Let's be good citizens of the open source space.


In reading order.

Section Description
Displays Settings tied to a specific monitor.
Controllers SDL3 Based Cross Platform Controllers.