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Config Schema

An Example:

# This is the index for config.toml
index = 40

# Bindings have their own 'scope' so the index should reset to 0.
index = 0
type = "gamepad_action_button"
default_bindings = [
    { controller_index = 0, type = "button", value = "SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_A" },
    { controller_index = 1, type = "button", value = "SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_A" },
    { controller_index = 0, type = "axis", value = "SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER", threshold = 0.5, comparison = "greater_than_or_equal" },
    { controller_index = 1, type = "hat", value = "SDL_HAT_UP" }

index = 1
type = "gamepad_action_button"
default_bindings = [
    { controller_index = 0, type = "button", value = "SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_SHOULDER" },
    { controller_index = 1, type = "button", value = "SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_B" }

index = 2
type = "gamepad_action_axis"
default_bindings = [
    { controller_index = 0, type = "axis", value = "SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTX", deadzone = 0.2, radius = 1.0 },
    { controller_index = 1, type = "button", value = "SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT", scale = 0.5 },
    { controller_index = 1, type = "button", value = "SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT", scale = -0.5 }

index = 3
type = "gamepad_action_button"
default_bindings = [
    { controller_index = 0, type = "axis", value = "SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTX", threshold = -0.5, comparison = "less_than_or_equal" }

# Settings using `config.toml` schema
# These settings are saved `per-controller`.

# These have their own 'scope', so the index should reset to 0.
index = 0
type = "float_range"
min = 0.0
max = 1.0
step = 0.1
default = 0.7
labels = ["LABEL_NONE", "LABEL_MAX"]

index = 1
type = "float_range"
min = 0.1
max = 0.9
step = 0.05
default = 0.5
labels = ["LABEL_LOW", "LABEL_HIGH"]

index = 2
type = "float_range"
min = 0.5
max = 2.0
step = 0.1
default = 1.0

index = 3
type = "bool"
default = false

index = 4
type = "bool"
default = false

When using outside of config.toml, drop the hardware prefix.

For example, [[hardware.gamepads]] becomes [[gamepads]].

Gamepads are uniquely identified by their controller_index, which is specific to SDL.

The index of [[hardware.gamepads]] corresponds to the index in config.toml.

This allows for easy reference to the gamepad settings.

The index inside each binding under [[hardware.gamepads.bindings]] is unique to the gamepad bindings and is used to identify the binding within the binary schema.

The index inside each setting under [[hardware.gamepads.settings]] follows the regular config schema defined in (config.toml).

It is separately scoped however, so should reset to 0.

Ensure that each binding and setting has a unique index value within their respective sections.

The bindings defined under the [[hardware.gamepads.bindings]] section have their own unique index values, separate from the regular config settings.

The settings defined under the [[hardware.gamepads.settings]] section follow the regular config schema and should have unique index values within the context of all config settings.

gamepad_action_button Setting

A setting to bind a game action button to one or more gamepad inputs (buttons, axes, or hats) across multiple controllers.


Field Type Description
default_bindings array An array of default bindings for the action button.

Each binding in the default_bindings array has the following fields:

Field Type Description
controller_index int The index of the gamepad to which the binding applies.
type string The type of the binding: "button", "axis", or "hat".
value string The value of the binding (e.g., "SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_A", "SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTX").
threshold float [Optional] The threshold value for axis bindings to trigger the action (default: 0.0, range: -1.0 to 1.0).
comparison string [Optional] The comparison operator for axis bindings: "greater_than_or_equal" or "less_than_or_equal" (default: "greater_than_or_equal").

gamepad_action_axis Setting

A setting to bind a game action axis to one or more gamepad inputs (buttons or axes) across multiple controllers.


Field Type Description
default_bindings array An array of default bindings for the action axis.

Each binding in the default_bindings array has the following fields:

Field Type Description
controller_index int The index of the gamepad to which the binding applies.
type string The type of the binding: "button" or "axis".
value string The value of the binding (e.g., "SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_A", "SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTX").
deadzone float [Optional] The deadzone value for axis bindings (default: 0.2, range: 0.0 to 1.0).
radius float [Optional] The radius value for axis bindings (default: 1.0, range: 0.0 to 1.0).
scale float [Optional] The scale value for button bindings to emulate an axis (default: 1.0).

Users can customize the bindings for each action button and action axis and assign them to multiple controllers using the Reloaded3 configuration interface.

This allows for flexibility in input mapping, such as jumping with either the first or second controller.

Controller-Specific Settings

You can define per-controller settings, using the config.toml format.

Do note that this acts as a 'nested file', and is scoped to this controller.

So the index should be reset to 0.

Vibration Strength

index = 0
type = "float_range"
min = 0.0
max = 1.0
step = 0.1
default = 0.7
labels = ["LABEL_NONE", "LABEL_MAX"]

This setting allows users to adjust the vibration strength of the controller. The value ranges from 0.0 (no vibration) to 1.0 (maximum vibration).

Trigger Sensitivity

index = 1
type = "float_range"
min = 0.1
max = 0.9
step = 0.05
default = 0.5
labels = ["LABEL_LOW", "LABEL_HIGH"]

This setting adjusts the sensitivity of the trigger buttons. A lower value makes the triggers more sensitive, while a higher value requires more pressure to activate the triggers.

Stick Sensitivity

index = 2
type = "float_range"
min = 0.5
max = 2.0
step = 0.1
default = 1.0

This setting adjusts the sensitivity of the analog sticks. A lower value makes the sticks less sensitive, while a higher value makes them more responsive.

Invert Y-Axis

index = 3
type = "bool"
default = false

This boolean setting allows users to invert the Y-axis of the analog sticks. When enabled, pushing the stick up will result in downward movement, and vice versa.

Swap Sticks

index = 4
type = "bool"
default = false

This boolean setting allows users to swap the functionality of the left and right analog sticks. When enabled, the left stick will control camera movement, and the right stick will control character movement.

Available Gamepad Bindings

The following gamepad bindings are available

Binding Description Value
SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_A The A button on the gamepad. 0
SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_B The B button on the gamepad. 1
SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_X The X button on the gamepad. 2
SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_Y The Y button on the gamepad. 3
SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_BACK The Back button on the gamepad. 4
SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_GUIDE The Guide button on the gamepad. 5
SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_START The Start button on the gamepad. 6
SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_STICK The Left Stick button on the gamepad. 7
SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_STICK The Right Stick button on the gamepad. 8
SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LEFT_SHOULDER The Left Shoulder button on the gamepad. 9
SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT_SHOULDER The Right Shoulder button on the gamepad. 10
SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_UP The D-Pad Up button on the gamepad. 11
SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN The D-Pad Down button on the gamepad. 12
SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT The D-Pad Left button on the gamepad. 13
SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT The D-Pad Right button on the gamepad. 14
Binding Description Value
SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTX The Left Stick X-axis on the gamepad. 0
SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTY The Left Stick Y-axis on the gamepad. 1
SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHTX The Right Stick X-axis on the gamepad. 2
SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHTY The Right Stick Y-axis on the gamepad. 3
SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER The Left Trigger axis on the gamepad. 4
SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER The Right Trigger axis on the gamepad. 5
Binding Description Value
SDL_HAT_UP The Up direction on the D-Pad. 0
SDL_HAT_DOWN The Down direction on the D-Pad. 1
SDL_HAT_LEFT The Left direction on the D-Pad. 2
SDL_HAT_RIGHT The Right direction on the D-Pad. 3


Here are a few examples to illustrate the usage of the gamepad bindings:

Jumping with a button, trigger, or D-Pad up

index = 40
type = "gamepad_action_button"
default_bindings = [
    { controller_index = 0, type = "button", value = "SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_A" },
    { controller_index = 1, type = "button", value = "SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_A" },
    { controller_index = 0, type = "axis", value = "SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER", threshold = 0.5, comparison = "greater_than_or_equal" },
    { controller_index = 1, type = "hat", value = "SDL_HAT_UP" }

The jump action can be triggered by: - Pressing the A button on either the first or second controller - Pulling the right trigger past the 50% threshold on the first controller - Pressing up on the D-Pad on the second controller.

Moving character along the X-axis (left-right)

index = 2
type = "gamepad_action_axis"
default_bindings = [
    { controller_index = 0, type = "axis", value = "SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTX", deadzone = 0.2, radius = 1.0 },
    { controller_index = 1, type = "button", value = "SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT", scale = 0.5 },
    { controller_index = 1, type = "button", value = "SDL_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT", scale = -0.5 }
  • Pressing Left on the D-Pad on the second controller will simulate a Left stick tilt of 50%.
  • Pressing Right on the D-Pad on the second controller will simulate a Right stick tilt of 50%.
  • The left stick on the first controller will behave as a regular left stick.

Triggering a boost action by tilting the left stick to the left

index = 3
type = "gamepad_action_button"
default_bindings = [
    { controller_index = 0, type = "axis", value = "SDL_GAMEPAD_AXIS_LEFTX", threshold = -0.5, comparison = "less_than_or_equal" }

This example shows how to trigger an action button by tilting the left stick to the left past the -0.5 threshold on the first controller.

Dealing with Disconnecting Controllers

Usually at runtime it's not possible to know if a re-connected controller is the same as the disconnected one.

According to questions such as this one, it's not possible to know if a re-connected controller is the same as a disconnected one.

Therefore we will take the following approach if a controller disconnects:

  • First new connected controller that is currently not in use will be assigned to the disconnected player slot.

This allows someone to, for example, switch between 2 controllers (e.g. XBOX to PS) without having to re-assign the controller.

If a GUI is available

If we're able to render a user interface, pause the game.

For example, via Dear ImGui.

And tell the player explicitly the controller has been disconnected.

They can then press a button on the screen to re-assign the controller.

Re-assigning works by pressing any button on controller once the button to start the process has begun.