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Localisation File Format

A description of the custom format used by Reloaded for localising.

The file format used by Reloaded3 for localization is designed to deliver a good tradeoff between:

  • Human Readability (especially for non-programmers)
  • Parsing Speed

Cheat Sheet

  • ## denotes the line is a comment
  • [[KEY]] marks an entry.


Translatable keys are represented in the following format.


A key starts with [[ and ends with ]].

All text after ]] is discarded.

The value is read from the start of the next line.

Standard style for keys uses the following

  • Shorthand or exact string as stored in text.


Comments may be represented by a # at the start of a line, in which case the entire line is ignored by the parser

## This is a comment

Alternatively, it's possible to put comments next to the keys.

[[KEY]] # This is a comment

Since all characters after ]] are ignored.

Escape Characters

No characters are escaped. Every character is treated literally.

Lines that are not comments should simply not start with ## or [[.

As a workaround, you can use a Zero Width White Space at the start of a line, if an escape is really needed.

New lines are saved as \n. Any sequences of \r\n should be converted to \n.


Placeholders for string formatting may be included with {}.

This is a string with a placeholder: {}

Multiple placeholders may also be used:

This is a string with multiple placeholders: {} and {}

These placeholders should map to a programming language's given string formatting system. For example, in Rust, this would be format!(text(KEY), value1, value2) and in C# this would be string.Format(text(KEY), value1, value2).

For some languages, it may be necessary to manipulate the returned string to match the native format upon initial file read. For example, a C# implementation might want to replace first {} with {0}.


An implementing library may also provide an export like get_text_formatted(KEY, values), where values is a list of strings to be inserted into the placeholders.

An Example

## Update 1.0.0 | 2024 April 1st
## Initial Release
Add an Application

Creating Default Config

Search Mods

## Update 1.1.0 | 2024 May 2nd
## Added Placeholder Text
Reloaded3 is cool >w<! Go get some mods, silly!

## Update 1.2.0 | 2024 June 3rd
## Added Error Handling
Unknown Error

Failed to start the process. This generally happens due to one of the 2 issues:
- The program is configured to run as administrator (right click -> properties) but Reloaded is running in user mode.
- Interference from e.g. Antivirus software. Check your logs.

Here is the error returned from your OS {}

Syntax Highlighting

You may be able to get good syntax highlighting by setting your language as TOML.

This is what this wiki page does 😉