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Community Repository

About the Community Repository

This allows us to provide real-time updates for per-game specific information without explicitly having to recompile the mod loader/server/manager.

This documents a future iteration of Reloaded.Community repository.


The Community Repository contains game-specific information for the Reloaded3 backend server.

The idea is we can update the information we know about various games without ever having to update the actual server itself. This is sometimes called 'out of band' information.

Some use cases include:

  • Automatically registering GameBanana/Nexus/GitHub download sources.
  • Helping automatic detection of games installed via Steam/Epic/Origin etc.
  • Providing compatibility warnings for pre-patched/pre-modded legacy games.
  • Informing user of wrong game binary. (e.g. User has EU EXE but mods target US)
  • Auto assign Game IDs in Application Configurations.
  • Updating Mod Configurations with correct Game IDs marking which games a mod supports.
  • Providing SteamGridDB IDs for game icons and banners.


This represents the schema of games the individual users add to the repo manually.

All configurations are written as TOML (for editing convenience).

They can have any name (as long as they use their own unique folder), in this spec we will refer to them as App.toml.

Type Item Description
string Id Unique identifier for this game. Copied to Game Id.
string Name User-friendly name for the game, e.g. 'Sonic Heroes'. Copied to Game Name.
Version[] Versions Versions of the executable.
OtherBinary[] OtherBinaries Stores information about other executables in game folder you probably don't wanna mod.
StoreInfo StoreInformation Game store specific information.
ModSourceInfo ModSourceInformation Mod source (Nexus/GameBanana/OtherModSite) specific information.
Diagnostic[] Diagnostics Diagnostics to display based on game's current folder state.
string BadHashMessage Message to display if the user has a bad EXE hash.
u32 SteamGridDBGameId Unique Game ID from SteamGridDB API. Optional.
SteamGridDBCategoryAndId? SteamGridDBIcon SteamGridDB category and ID for the game's icon. Optional.
SteamGridDBCategoryAndId? SteamGridDBBannerSquare SteamGridDB category and ID for the game's app grid square. Optional.
SteamGridDBCategoryAndId? SteamGridDBBannerHorizontal SteamGridDB category and ID for the game's horizontal banner. Optional.
SteamGridDBCategoryAndId? SteamGridDBBannerVertical SteamGridDB category and ID for the game's vertical banner. Optional.
Task[] Tasks Various maintenance tasks and executables to run for the game.

All hashes listed in this page are XXH3_128bits (XXH128) unless specified otherwise.

For more details, see the page on Hashing Page.

Not all of this information has to be hand typed, some information such as version numbers, hashes, dates can be automatically extracted.

Minimal Example

Some Fields are Made Up, for Completeness

Id = "SonicHeroes"
Name = "Sonic Heroes"
BadHashDescription = "Mods target the NoCD version of Sonic Heroes; specifically the Reloaded release. That said, any NoCD version with removed SafeDisc DRM should work, including Sega's own Sonic PC Collection."

ID = 0
Hash = "8ac32285128d165e011860da2234f9d1"
ExeName = "tsonic_win.exe"
Version = ""
Date = 2004-10-18T08:15:02Z

ID = 1
Hash = "9ef04af103c974659a01310c7c7013eb"
ExeName = "launcher.exe"
Version = ""
Date = 2004-10-18T06:51:29Z
SuggestedExecutable = "tsonic_win.exe"
Message = "This executable is the launcher for this game. Would you like to select {SuggestedExecutable} instead?"

GameBanana = { Id = 6061 }

Message = "Your game folder contains ThirteenAG's old Legacy WidescreenFix. You might experience a crash in Special Stage 4 and some other mods.\n\nWorkaround:\n- Delete `scripts/SonicHeroes.WidescreenFix.asi`\n- Download Heroes Graphics Essentials."

Hash = "abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefab"
FilePath = "scripts/SonicHeroes.WidescreenFix.asi"

# Icons to Use
Category = "Icon"
Id = 1393

Category = "Grid"
Id = 162786

Category = "Grid"
Id = 78140

Category = "Grid"
Id = 78138

# Pretend the title was on some stores.
SteamAppId = 71340

Id = 1705545557

Note: Better examples are welcome!


Stores individual version information for a binary with a given hash.

Type Item Description
u32 ID Unique number for this version entry within a Game.
string Hash Hash of executable. (XXH128)
string ExeName Name of executable.
string FriendlyName Friendly name for this game version. e.g. 1.0.1 (GOG).
DateTime Date Date of this version, as ISO 8601.
ReferenceFile ReferenceFile [Optional] Unique reference file and hash for this specific version of the game.
StoreVersion StoreInfo Store-specific information for this game version.

The ID is a unique integer for each entry, ideally incrementing from 0. It should never be changed. This allows for changing other information on the struct without breaking existing references to it

This FriendlyName and Date are purely informative. (For Launcher UIs etc.)

Ideally the FriendlyName field should stick to official version names (if available). Include the store name in the brackets e.g. (GOG) if the code differs between stores.


Ignore this for legacy games from before the era of digital distribution.

The StoreInfo field is an optional field that contains store-specific information for each game version.

It is defined as follows:

Type Item Description
(StoreType) StoreType The store from which the game came from.

GOG Specific Fields:

Type Item Description
u64 GogBuildId [GOG Only] The unique identifier for the build. Only applicable when Store is GOG.

Steam Specific Fields:

Type Item Description
u64 SteamDepotId [Steam Only] The Steam depot ID. Only applicable when Store is Steam.
u64 SteamManifestId [Steam Only] The Steam manifest ID. Only applicable when Store is Steam.
string SteamBranch [Steam Only] The Steam branch name. Only applicable when Store is Steam.
string SteamBranchPassword [Steam Only] The password for the Steam branch (if password-protected). Only applicable when Store is Steam.

Epic Specific Fields:

Type Item Description
string EpicAppVersionString [Epic Only] The version string of the game on Epic. Only applicable when Store is Epic.

Microsoft Specific Fields:

Type Item Description
string MicrosoftPackageVersion [Microsoft Only] The version of the game package on the Microsoft Store, from the Identity field. Only applicable when Store is Microsoft.


Store = "Steam"
SteamDepotId = 1234567890
SteamManifestId = 9876543210
SteamBranch = "beta"
SteamBranchPassword = "secretpassword"


Specifies a unique reference file and hash.

Type Item Description
string RelativePath Path to the reference file relative to the game folder.
string? Hash1M Hash of the first 1MB bytes of file. (XXH128)
string Hash Hash of the reference file. (XXH128)

This allows disambiguating between different versions of a game that may share the same executable. For example, when the executable is a stub that loads main game code from a DLL.

ReferenceFile = { RelativePath = "dvdroot/advertise/E/", Hash = "986cc4f000fb530245f44c7b49206628" }

Choose a file that is short, exists in all game versions, and is unique to this version.

Prefer using same file across all version entries if possible.

Hash1M can be used as a speedup if game only has big files.

For example 2GB archives.
Consider files over 10MB to be a decent threshold for using this, as we also have to account for the likes of hard drives.

Other Binaries

Structure type is OtherBinary and it extends from Version

Type Item Description
string Message Message to display for this executable.
string SuggestedExecutable Relative path of the suggested executable.


ID = 1
Hash = "9ef04af103c974659a01310c7c7013eb"
ExeName = "launcher.exe"
Version = ""
Date = 2004-10-18T06:51:29Z
SuggestedExecutable = "tsonic_win.exe"
Message = "This executable is the launcher for this game. Would you like to select {SuggestedExecutable} instead?"

This gives the user a yes/no prompt. If they select 'yes', the SuggestedExecutable is used instead.

Icons and Banners (SteamGridDB)

Technical Note (Icon)

Aspect ratio: 1:1.
Expected Resolution: 256x256. (4K Display ✅)
Preferred Resolution: 512x512. (8K Display ✅)
Expected Size @ 256x256: ~60KiB.
Format: JPEG XL.

Technical Note (Banner Square)

Aspect ratio: 1:1.
Expected Resolution: 512x512. (4K Display ✅)
Preferred Resolution: 1024x1024. (8K Display ✅)
Expected Size @ 512x512: ~120KiB.
Format: JPEG XL.

Technical Note (BannerV)

Aspect ratio: 2:3.
Expected Resolution (BannerV): 600x900. (4K Display ✅)
Expected Size @ 600x900: ~210KiB.
Format: JPEG XL.

Technical Note (BannerH)

Aspect ratio: 92:43.
Expected Resolution (BannerV): 920x430. (4K Display ✅)
Expected Size @ 920x430: ~180KiB.
Format: JPEG XL.

Where is are these images used?

All resolutions listed target 96 DPI and reference 1st party launcher. So for 4K, double the resolution.

Icons (1:1):

  • 48x48 in Windows Desktop Shortcut
  • 96x96 in Spine
  • 100x100 in Gnome 3 Shortcut (All Apps View)

BannerSquare (1:1):

  • 192x192 in Game Grid (Default)
  • 256x256 in Game Grid (Larger)

BannerH (92:43):

  • 460x215 App View (Grid Horizontal)

BannerV (2:3):

  • 300x450 App View (Grid Vertical)

The SteamGridDbCategoryAndId struct is defined as follows:

Type Item Description
SteamGridDbCategory Category 0 = Grid, 1 = Hero, 2 = Logo, 3 = Icon
u32 Id ID of this specific entry.

If an icon is specified, the launcher will contact the Reloaded Central Server to fetch the image from SteamGridDB using the provided category and ID.

If not specified (null), the launcher will attempt to fetch the first image tagged as official in style from SteamGridDB.

If there is no internet connection, the launcher will default to extracting the app icon from the game's executable for the icon, reuse that for Square Banner and use a placeholder for the Horizontal and Vertical banners.

Relevant Game & Loadout Setting GridDisplayMode

Obtain a SteamGridDB ID

Look at the URL, for example:

  • Game:
  • Grid:

It's the number at the end.

Store Information

Type Item Description
EAGameInfo EADesktop Contains EA Desktop related information.
EpicGameInfo Epic Contains Epic Game Store related information.
GogGameInfo Gog Contains EA Desktop related information.
SteamGameInfo Steam Contains Steam related information.
XboxGameInfo Xbox Xbox Game Pass information.

Supported stores are based on GameFinder library.

This information is used to link up locally installed games with the community repository.

EA Desktop

Type Item Description
string SoftwareID Unique ID for this game used in 'EA Desktop' application.

Epic Games Store

It is unconfirmed whether this is the best item to use, this may still be changed.

Type Item Description
string CatalogItemId Unique ID in catalog for 'EGS'.


You can use the GOG Database to look up these IDs.

Type Item Description
u64 ID Unique ID for this game used in 'GOG'.


You can use the SteamDB to look up these IDs.

Type Item Description
u64 SteamAppId Unique ID for game in Steam.


Type Item Description
string ID Unique ID. Corresponds to Package.Identity.Name in AppxManifest.xml

Mod Source Information

Type Item Description
GameBananaInfo GameBanana Info for GameBanana Mod Search.
NexusInfo NexusMods Info for NexusMods Mod Search.


Derived from URL to game page.

Type Item Description
u32 Id Unique identifier for game, e.g. 6061 for

Nexus Mods

Derived from URL to game page.

Type Item Description
string Id Domain for the game, e.g. skyrim for

In the Nexus API this ID is usually referred to as the Domain.


Games can use the File Based Diagnostics System to perform general purpose diagnostics.

Bad Hash Message

This message is displayed if user specifies 'I 100% want this game', but no EXE hash is matched.

In some rare cases, the user may be using a modified EXE, or an unknown version of the game.

If this is the case, we simply provide a message to the user via the BadHashMessage field.


Games can define additional tasks in the Community Repository.

The Tasks field is an optional array of Task objects that represent additional tasks or actions that can be performed for the game.

For detailed information about the structure and fields of a Task object, please refer to the Tasks page.


Type = "File"
VisualHint = "Settings"
Name = "Configuration Tool"
GroupNames = ["Community"]
Description = "Launches the configuration program."
Path = "Config2_DX9.exe"
IsPrimary = false
InjectLoader = false
IsHidden = false
Platform = 0

The tasks defined in the Community Repository will be merged with the tasks defined for the game locally, with the local tasks taking precedence in case of conflicts.

File Layout

The folder names under the Apps folder are named after the IDs.

└── Apps
    ├── SonicHeroes
    │   └── App.toml
    └── SonicRiders
        └── App.toml

Building The Repository

The raw files specified in schema go through a 'build' process.

The result of the 'build' is the following:

├── Apps
│   ├── SonicHeroes
│   │   └── App.msgpack
│   └── SonicRiders
│       └── App.msgpack
└── Index.msgpack

The files are converted to MessagePack format and a new file is produced:

  • Index for searching games & metadata.


The Index contains serialized dictionaries responsible for quick lookup of individual games.

Type Item Description
Dictionary<string, IndexItem[]> ExeToApps Maps game .exe file to App.
Dictionary<XXH128, IndexItem[]> HashToApps Maps game .exe hash to App.
HashEntry[] Hashes A listing of all files and corresponding hashes.


HashEntry is defined as:

Type Item Description
XXH128 Hash Hash of the file (XXH128)
string FilePath Relative path to the root folder containing Hashes file.


IndexItem is defined as:

Type Item Description
string AppName User friendly name for the game.
string FilePath Relative path to this .toml file to the game Schema.

Note that there can be cases where there may be duplicates. In terms of ExeToApps it's quite obvious, but in terms of HashToApps it's less so. In some rare cases of game engines, it's technically possible to reuse the EXE, if it's just some bootstrapper to the proper DLL etc. containing the code.

On the other hand, the ExeToApps field is for handling unknown game versions. In those cases, a user will manually select their intended game.

In case of duplicates, they will be auto resolved using the ReferenceFile.

In super rare case of unresolvable duplicates, the user will be prompted to select the correct game.


The Community Repository will be hosted on GitHub Pages.

Because this makes life easier, we will build the Repo with GitHub Actions.

The built repository will be compressed into an .nx archive and uploaded as a sole file to pages. Named CommunityRepository.nx.

Because this data is very small and stale, it's expected that most of the time a user will already have the latest version.


Bandwidth Numbers

GitHub pages sites are soft limited to 100GB of bandwidth per month.

Expected sizes:

  • 30KB: Index.msgpack.zst (~100 games)
  • 1KB: App.msgpack.zst (per game)

For 100 games, therefore expect 130KB. This makes for around 770,000 queries per month.

If we ever get notified from GitHub about bandwidth usage, we will migrate this to Central Server.