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Config Binary Format

This page describes the binary format used for serializing and deserializing the config.toml file.

The binary format is designed to be compact and efficient for storing and loading configuration settings.

Format Overview

The binary format consists of a header followed by a series of key-value pairs representing the configuration settings.

All numbers are stored as little endian.

The header is a single byte containing version and key size information.

Bits Description
0-2 Version number, 0-7. Currently 0, 1 and 2 are used.
3-5 Reserved
6-7 Key size in bytes. 1, 2, 4, or 8

The higher bits of the version number may be repurposed some day.

Currently 2 versions exist:

  • Version 0: (Basic Types only)
  • Version 1: (Extended Types)
  • Version 2: (Hardware Types)

Version 0 allows for twice amount of items if the config only uses basic primitives. That is the case for most mods at least.

Key-Value Pairs

Following the header, the file contains a sequence of key-value pairs.

The size of the key depends on the header, so if the key size is set to 2, the Index for Version 0 will have 13 bits available (instead of 5 bits).

Key (Version 0)

Index (0-3) ValueType (4-7)
Data Type Name Label Description
u5 Index X (0-31) Corresponds to Index
u3 ValueType Y (0-7) Type of Value (V0) stored.

Key (Version 1)

Index (0-4) ValueType (5-7)
Data Type Name Label Description
u4 Index X (0-15) Corresponds to Index
u4 ValueType Y (0-15) Type of Value (V1) stored.

Key (Version 2)

Index (0-4) ValueType (5-7)
Data Type Name Label Description
u3 Index X (0-7) Corresponds to Index
u5 ValueType Y (0-31) Type of Value (V2) stored.


Version 0 (Table)

Type Name Size (bytes)
00 Bool (ON) 0
01 Bool (OFF) 0
02 i8 1
03 i16 2
04 i32 4
05 i64 8
06 f32 4
07 String Variable

Version 1 (Table)

This is an extension of Version 0 table

 This table has additional entries for more rarely seen types
Type Name Size (bytes)
00 Bool (ON) 0
01 Bool (OFF) 0
02 i8 1
03 i16 2
04 i32 4
05 i64 8
06 f32 4
07 String Variable
08 u8 1
09 u16 2
0A u32 4
0B u64 8
0C f64 8
0D StringList Variable
0E i24 3
0F Reserved N/A

Version 2 (Table)

This is an extension of Version 1 table

This table has additional entries for Hardware

Type Name Size (bytes)
00 Bool (ON) 0
01 Bool (OFF) 0
02 i8 1
03 i16 2
04 i32 4
05 i64 8
06 f32 4
07 String Variable
08 u8 1
09 u16 2
0A u32 4
0B u64 8
0C f64 8
0D StringList Variable
0E i24 3
0F Reserved N/A
10 Resolution 4
11 Resolution+RefreshRate 6
12 Controller Config Variable

Value Mapping

The schema's settings map in the following way:

Type Value Type
Boolean Bool ON/OFF
Enum u8/16/32/64
Integer & Int Range (i/u)(8/16/32/64)
Float & Float Range (f32/f64)
File, Folder, URL (string)
Color (i24) or (i32/u32)

Color Setting

A color setting is serialized as 4 bytes in RGBA order.

Byte Channel
0 Red
1 Green
2 Blue
3 Alpha

If the alpha channel is not present, the value serialized as an 03 (i24), otherwise it's stored as an 07 i32.

String List Setting

A string list setting is serialized as a series of null-terminated UTF-8 strings.

Followed by an additional null byte to indicate the end of the list. i.e. an empty string.

Hardware Types


This corresponds to Resolution Dropdown

This is stored as a 4 byte value. It is u16 width and u16 height.

Resolution and Refresh Rate

This is stored as u16 width and u16 height. Then u16 refresh rate.

I am aware that DirectX supports fractional refresh rates with rationals.

However, no other APIs do, and modern displays don't use these refresh rates.

Controller Config

This is an entire embedded file within the config format.

Format of the data is described in Controller Binary Format

Extra Reading:

Parsing the File

Read the key-value pairs until you reach the end of file.

It's that simple.

Optimizing Compression Efficiency

To maximize compression efficiency, we use a couple of tricks.

SOLID Compression

To optimize for SOLID compression, we write the values in the index order.

This increases the amount of repeating bytes between two given settings files in the same block.

For example, when packed as part of Loadout.