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Native Mods with Dynamic Linking

Some older native mods might want to dynamically link to libraries (.dlls) they ship with their mods.

We need to register the mod's directory as a possible path for loading DLLs.

// Reference C# code from Reloaded-II.
var builder = new StringBuilder(4096); // ought to be enough characters given most programs break at 260 anyway.
GetDllDirectoryW(builder.Length, builder);
_moduleHandle = LoadLibraryW(dllPath);

Crash Handler

Assume the user does not have any sort of crash dump/error reporting enabled.

We must generate dumps ourselves when our process dies.

use winapi::um::winnt::{EXCEPTION_POINTERS, LONG};

unsafe extern "system" fn my_unhandled_exception_filter(exception_info: *mut EXCEPTION_POINTERS) -> LONG {
    // Finish Logging and Generate a Crash Dump...
    // ...

    // Return 0 because our exception was not handled; we only generated a dump.

And register it elsewhere:

unsafe {

Process Exit Hook


To ensure all logs have been successfully written out to disk; it's necessary to hook kernel32.ExitProcess to get a notification for when the process exits.


To detect wine, check if ntdll exports wine_get_version.

Always note that Wine is in constant development; in the future workarounds might become obsolete.

Note: User may choose to hide this. Don't bypass this, respect them.


We really should open up tickets for this once the loader port is done.

// Translated from C# Reloaded-II via GPT3.5, untested.
use winapi::um::libloaderapi::{GetModuleHandleA, GetProcAddress};
use winapi::shared::minwindef::{HMODULE, FARPROC};
use std::ffi::CString;

pub static ENVIRONMENT: Environment = Environment::new();

pub struct Environment {
    pub is_wine: bool,

impl Environment {
    const fn new() -> Self {
        let is_wine = is_wine();
        Self { is_wine }

fn is_wine() -> bool {
    unsafe {
        // Get the handle to the ntdll.dll module.
        let ntdll: HMODULE = GetModuleHandleA(CString::new("ntdll.dll").unwrap().as_ptr());

        // Check if the wine_get_version function exists in ntdll.dll.
        let wine_get_version: FARPROC = GetProcAddress(ntdll, CString::new("wine_get_version").unwrap().as_ptr());
        wine_get_version != std::ptr::null_mut()

And to check:

println!("Is running under Wine: {}", ENVIRONMENT.is_wine);


Within Wine, the function Kernel32.GetConsoleWindow might not correctly evaluate in some cases, or be stubbed entirely.

Do not do just this.

if !console_exists() {

Do this instead.

if ENVIRONMENT.is_wine {
    // Wine doesn't support GetConsoleWindow, so we need to allocate a new console window.

if !console_exists() {

Emulation Support

Architecture Supported
WINE x86/x64
Windows on ARM ❓ Unknown.