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Merged File Cache Implementation Details

This page provides details on the implementation of the Merged File Cache, including API reference and expiration details.

Provided API is not 'final', it's just a plan/rough draft.

The APIs use C# types for simplicity, but should be translateable to other languages.

The Merged File Cache is composed of a two level system.

At the first level is a binary file with a listing of all known caches. Each mod + mod version having their own cache folder.

Top Level View

The entry folder of the cache mod looks like this

├── reloaded3.utility.examplemod.s56+1.0.0
│   └── cache.bin
├── reloaded3.utility.examplemod.s56+2.0.0
│   └── cache.bin
└── caches.bin

We read caches.bin in order to discover all cache folders.

Then read from the cache folders to get the actual per mod cache.

Each folder is composed of Mod Id and the Mod Version concatenated with a +.

It is technically possible that this produces a filename which cannot be created on some filesystems.

This should not happen on Linux or Windows, but it may be possible in more niche systems. For this reason, we store the FolderName in the Cache struct.

If a folder with a given name can't be created, we create a folder with a random ASCII name and store that name in the FolderName field.


The caches.bin file is composed of Cache entries and some metadata.


Property Type Description
Version int Version of the cache. Increment on breaking change.
Caches Dictionary<CacheKey, Cache> Mapping of CacheKey to Cache. (HashMap)

If the version field does not match or the file fails to parse, the cache is considered invalid and the entire folder should be wiped.

CacheKey Struct

Property Type Description
ModId string Unique identifier of the mod.
Version SemVer Semantic version of the mod.

Cache Struct

Property Type Description
FolderName string The directory where the cache folder are stored.
Expiration DateTime The last access date + predefined amount.

The Expiration field is updated every time the cache is accessed. To it, we add the user's chosen expiration duration, which we default to 14 days.

Deeper Level View

If we further expand the view, we may get something like this:

├── reloaded3.utility.examplemod.s56+1.0.0
│   ├── somefolder
│   │   └── cachedfile.bin
│   ├── someotherfolder
│   │   └── anothercachedfile.bin
│   └── cache.bin
├── reloaded3.utility.examplemod.s56+2.0.0
│   ├── somefolder
│   │   └── cachedfile.bin
│   ├── someotherfolder
│   │   └── anothercachedfile.bin
│   └── cache.bin
└── caches.bin

And if we scope it to a given mod+version's cache folder, we get:

├── somefolder
│   └── cachedfile.bin
├── someotherfolder
│   └── anothercachedfile.bin
└── cache.bin

The cache.bin file contains info of the contents of the cache.


The cache.bin file is composed of a dictionary (hashset) of CacheFileKey to CacheFileEntry entries.

CacheFileKey Struct

Property Type Description
FilePath string The path to the file relative to folder of cache.bin.
ModIds string[] An array of unique mod IDs from which the mods are sourced.
Timestamps DateTime[] An array of timestamps representing the last modification times of the source files.
ModVersions string[] An array of mod versions representing the versions of the source mods.

CacheFileEntry Struct

Represents an individual cached file entry.

Property Type Description
FilePath string The path to the file relative to folder of cache.bin.
Expiration DateTime The date after which the item should be removed.

API Reference

ICacheFactory Interface

This is an abstraction over Caches.bin

Method Description Parameters
GetOrCreateCache Retrieves the cache instance for the specified mod ID and version. If it doesn't exist, creates a new one. string modId, string modVersion

This creates an IMergedFileCache.

IMergedFileCache Interface

This is an abstraction over Cache.bin

Returned from ICacheFactory

Method Description Parameters
TryGet Attempts to retrieve a cached file based on the specified cache key. CacheFileKey key
Add Adds a merged file to the cache using the specified cache key and content. CacheFileKey key, byte[] content
Remove Removes a cache entry with the specified cache key. CacheFileKey key
Clear Removes all cache entries. -
RemoveExpiredItems Removes all stale cache entries based on the expiration duration. -

Usage Example

How using the cache should look in different languages.

// Get the cache factory instance
var cacheFactory = _modLoader.GetService<ICacheFactory>();

// Get the cache instance for the current mod
var cache = cacheFactory.GetOrCreateCache(GetModId(), GetModVersion());

// Define the cache key
var cacheKey = new CacheFileKey
    FilePath = "path/to/file.txt",
    ModIds = new string[] { "mod1", "mod2" },
    Timestamps = new DateTime[] { File.GetLastWriteTime("path/to/mod1/file.txt"), File.GetLastWriteTime("path/to/mod2/file.txt") },
    ModVersions = new string[] { "1.0.0", "2.1.3" }

// Try to get the cached file
if (cache.TryGet(cacheKey, out string cachedFilePath))
    // Cache hit, use the cached file
    string mergedFileContent = File.ReadAllText(cachedFilePath);
    // Cache miss, merge the files and cache the result
    string mergedFileContent = MergeFiles("path/to/mod1/file.txt", "path/to/mod2/file.txt");
    cache.Add(cacheKey, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(mergedFileContent));
// Get the cache factory instance
let cache_factory = mod_loader.get_service::<ICacheFactory>();

// Get the cache instance for the current mod
let cache = cache_factory.get_or_crate_cache(get_mod_id(), get_mod_version());

// Define the cache key
let cache_key = CacheFileKey {
    file_path: "path/to/file.txt".to_string(),
    mod_ids: vec!["mod1".to_string(), "mod2".to_string()],
    timestamps: vec![
    mod_versions: vec!["1.0.0".to_string(), "2.1.3".to_string()],

// Try to get the cached file
if let Some(cached_file_path) = cache.try_get(&cache_key) {
    // Cache hit, use the cached file
    let merged_file_content = std::fs::read_to_string(cached_file_path).unwrap();
} else {
    // Cache miss, merge the files and cache the result
    let merged_file_content = merge_files("path/to/mod1/file.txt", "path/to/mod2/file.txt");
    cache.add(&cache_key, merged_file_content.as_bytes());
// Get the cache factory instance
auto cacheFactory = modLoader->GetService<ICacheFactory>();

// Get the cache instance for the current mod
auto cache = cacheFactory->GetOrCreateCache(GetModId(), GetModVersion());

// Define the cache key
CacheFileKey cacheKey;
cacheKey.FilePath = "path/to/file.txt";
cacheKey.ModIds = { "mod1", "mod2" };
cacheKey.Timestamps = {
cacheKey.ModVersions = { "1.0.0", "2.1.3" };

// Try to get the cached file
std::optional<std::string> cachedFilePath = cache->TryGet(cacheKey);
if (cachedFilePath.has_value()) {
    // Cache hit, use the cached file
    std::string mergedFileContent = ReadFile(cachedFilePath.value());
} else {
    // Cache miss, merge the files and cache the result
    std::string mergedFileContent = MergeFiles("path/to/mod1/file.txt", "path/to/mod2/file.txt");
    cache->Add(cacheKey,, mergedFileContent.size());

The ICacheFactory instance is obtained from the mod loader using the GetService method.

The cache instance for the current mod is then retrieved using the GetOrCreateCache method of the factory, passing the current mod's ID and version.

The CacheFileKey struct is then defined using the file path, mod IDs, timestamps, and mod versions.

The TryGet method is used to attempt to retrieve the cached file using the CacheFileKey, and if a cache miss occurs, the files are merged and added to the cache using the Add method with the CacheFileKey and merged content.

Expiration and Cleanup

The Merged File Cache automatically handles expiration and cleanup of stale cache entries.

When all mods are done loading, the cache will crawl through all the cache entries and remove stale entries.

This can also be force triggered when the RemoveExpiredItems method is called explicitly.

The directory structure of the cached files mimics the actual file paths used in the cache, in order to minimize the amount of files per directory.

Thread Safety

The merged file cache can have multiple readers or 1 writer at once.

Since the cache is scoped per mod, that effectively means that there will only ever be concurrent access if said mod uses multiple threads for merging at startup.

In other words, TryGet, can be performed simultaneously by multiple threads without any synchronization overhead.

But if someone calls Add, other read/write threads will have to wait until the write operation is completed.

Regarding Write Lock Duration

Writing the actual file does not lock. Only updating the internal cache state locks, so in practice the cache is pretty much always unlocked.