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Internationalisation and Localisation

This page describes how 'languages' and localisation are planned to be implemented in Reloaded.

Internationalisation and Localisation, referred to as i18n and l10n onwards, describe the process of adapting our code to be locale agnostic.

Additional Details

i18n and l10n encompass many things:

  • Numbers.
  • Date and time.
  • Currencies.
  • Text layouts.

English is left-to-right and top-to-bottom horizontally...

But some other languages read from right-to-left and some even vertically.

Text Length

Text can vary in length between languages.

If a button has a text of length 10 in English, it might only contain two characters in Japanese or 20 in German.

The UI must be designed to adapt to drastic changes in length, to avoid text cutoff, or undesired wrapping.


Fonts don't always support all characters.

Most fonts out there only support a limited amount of characters, typically based on Roman alphabet.

CJK fonts (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean), like Noto by Google, are special fonts that contain a vast amount of characters from more parts of the world.

Reloaded3 must ship an international fallback font, such that if a character is not supported by the main font, it can still be rendered.

Missing Korean Font
Example: Missing Korean Font in Jellyfin


These are the requirements for supporting localization in Reloaded3.

  • Support Common Languages (EN, JP, FR) etc.
  • Make Editing Translations Easy
  • Lightweight on Resources
    • Make use of compile time logic if possible.
    • Ideally less than 10kB code.
  • Must be Consistent Cross Languages
    • At least C# & Rust
  • Provide 3rd Party Translations
    • An external mod may provide translations for an existing mod.
    • This way, the original mod author does not need to worry about translations.


  • Support for Right-to-Left languages (RTL) and vertical languages.
    • Creating multiple UI designs is too much...
  • Fully supporting l10n in all parts of Reloaded.
    • Mod loader logs may prefer to display a standardized language to help debugging.