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This details the per game metadata stored in the Added Games (User) (Games/{gameId}) folder.

TODO: Store Loadout Specific Info

Game config stores all of the user's preferences for launcher/loader behaviour related to a game.

This file is intended to be user editable by hand, thus all files here are in TOML format.

Folder Structure

├── BannerHorz.jxl
├── BannerSquare.jxl
├── BannerVert.jxl
├── Icon.jxl
└── Info.toml

Icons and Banners

If present, the following will be used.

Value Item Description
Icon.jxl Icon Icon for the game in 1:1 aspect ratio.
BannerSquare.jxl BannerSquare Grid Square for the game in 1:1 aspect ratio.
BannerHorz.jxl BannerHorz Horizontal banner for the game.
BannerVert.jxl BannerVert Vertical banner for the game.

What's inside an Game Configuration?

This is the specification for Info.toml

This file is intended to be editable by hand, thus is in TOML format.

Type Name Description
string? Id A name that uniquely identifies the game.
string Name User friendly name for the game, e.g. 'Sonic Heroes'.
Task[] ExtraTasks List of extra ways to launch the game.
AutoCreateShortcutKind AutoCreateShortcuts If true, auto creates shortcuts on the desktop.
StoreInfo UserStoreInformation Store specific information for current user.
MachineSpecificInfo MachineSpecificInformation Machine specific information tied to this user.


A known, standardized name that uniquely identifies this application.

Use lowercase, don't abbreviate. For example use persona5royal, not p5r. Use sonicheroes, not sh. etc.

For games without established communities or people experimenting with new titles, this may be left blank.

This ID links the item with the Community Repository. If the community repository has no data for this game, the field will be left blank.

What do I do if the game has no known ID?

The launcher should block publish until a valid ID is set.

On publish the launcher should take the user to a readme page that tells you how to add game to Community Repository. This should be a largely automated step.

New submissions can be made via GitHub PRs to Community repo, or by Discord request. This ensures all shared mods have the same game ID.

There will be a need to introduce a 'rename package ID in loadout' operation

As a new game ID will need injecting into package name.


A user friendly name for the game.

This can be populated from the following sources (in order of preference):

  • Game Store Name
  • Friendly Name embedded in executable.
  • The game's executable name.

The user can overwrite the name if they wish.


If true, shortcuts are automatically created on desktop.

Value Description
0 Dont: Never make any shortcuts.
1 PromptOnNewMachine: Prompt when on a new PC for the first time.
2 Sync: Create a shortcut for each loadout.

These shortcuts auto launch the game with a specific configuration.

User Store Information

The information tied to the specific store that the user installed the game from.

The StoreInformation here is NOT copied from the Community Repository.

This is a local copy of the user's store information for the game.

This distinction is important. If we use the Community store information, we will not know which store the user bought the game from. This may cause confusion if the user has the game installed in more than one store.

Machine Specific Info

This contains machine specific information tied to this user.

This structure is defined as: HashMap<EntryID, MachineInfo>.

Deriving the EntryID

EntryID is derived as {MachineID}+{UserName}

MachineID is derived as:

  • Linux: /etc/machine-id
  • Windows: MachineGuid
    • This is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Cryptography -> MachineGuid
  • macOS: TODO

UserName is well, as the name describes.


MachineInfo is defined as:

Type Name Description
bool DisplayedCreateShortcutPrompt Displayed the Create Shortcut prompt.
string FriendlyName Friendly Name for the Machine.
string MainExePath Last path to the main executable.
string MainExeHash Original hash of the main executable. XXH128
DeploymentType DeploymentType Dictates how the loader is injected into the game.

The FriendlyName is derived from UserName and MachineName. MachineName is derived as hostname on Linux/macOS and ComputerName on Windows.

Usually it's formatted as {UserName}'s {MachineName}.


This defines user's preference for how the loader is injected into the game.

Value Description
0 Undecided: Default value.
1 CodeInjection: Inject code, i.e. Shared Library (DLL) Injection.
2 DllHijacking: Place a 'shim' executable to the user's game folder.

Extended Information

Some additional info is obtained from the Community Repository.

Type Item Description
Version[] Versions Versions of the executable.
OtherBinary[] OtherBinaries Stores information about other executables in game folder you probably don't wanna mod.
StoreInfo StoreInformation Game store specific information.
ModSourceInfo ModSourceInformation Mod source (Nexus/GameBanana/OtherModSite) specific information.
Diagnostic[] Diagnostics Diagnostics to display based on game's current folder state.

This data is cached in the Server Cache Files (Cache/Server) folder."