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'Backend' in the context of this spec refers to language/runtime support.

For some programming languages, it might be necessary to manually bootstrap a runtime.

Assume each backend links to the common C runtime for the platform.

In other words:

  • win-x86 really means win-x86-msvc.
  • linux-x86 really means linux-x86-glibc.
  • dotnet-latest really means dotnet-latest-coreclr.

It is preferred to use universally recognisable names over internal ones.

For example, prefer:

  • switch over horizon
  • dotnet over coreclr

Planned backends include:

Backend Description
win-x86 Native x86 Support on Windows
win-x64 Native x64 Support on Windows
linux-x64 Native x64 Support on Linux
linux-x86 Native x86 Support on Linux
dotnet-latest Latest .NET Runtime

Backends that will be delivered if there's community interest in terms of donations/code contributions:

Backend Description
win-arm64 Native ARM64 Support on Windows
linux-arm64 Native ARM64 Support on Linux

Some potential backends could only be delivered with community involvement, due to lack of knowledge:

Backend Description
switch-arm64 Native ARM64 Support on Switch (Horizon)

These backends are directly specified inside the mod configurations.

When the loader is about to load a mod, it looks up a dictionary specified in the mod config, and starts the mod using the appropriate backend.

It's possible to ship a mod for multiple platforms by including multiple backends in a mod config and shipping separate binaries for multiple platforms.

Custom Backends

In some cases, some custom bootstrapping might be required.

For example:

  • For a .NET game, it might be desirable to execute mods inside the game's own runtime.
  • For supporting mods for older mod loaders, a backend can act as a wrapper translating exports and implementing old loader APIs.
Example Backend Description
unity.unity-custom Runs mods in dotnet-latest for Il2Cpp; mono otherwise.
sewer56.reloadedii-custom Runs in dotnet-latest, provides backwards compatibility for R2 mods.
taleworlds.bannerlord-custom Loads using .NET Framework (older versions) or .NET Core (newer versions).

To allow for maximum modularity; custom backends are implemented via regular mods; allowing them to be updated independently from the loader.