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Platform Support

These pages contain miscellaneous notes regarding support on each platform.

Operating System Status
Linux (Wine/Proton)
Native Linux ⚡ Implement on Demand
Native OSX 🔍 Investigation Needed
Other 🔍 Investigation Needed

Implement on Demand means; it'll be done when there's game to test. The code will always be written with cross platform in mind; worry not.

Minimum Requirements

As the core loader is written in Rust, it is theoretically possible to support any platform provided:

  • You have access to sufficient amount of libc.
  • LLVM supports the machine code for your target (e.g. ARM, x86 etc.).
  • Executable format reverse engineered, so you can make linker produce libraries.
  • You can dynamically load libraries.
  • You can arbitrarily execute code in a game process (write a Bootloader).

Categories Covered in Each Platform

Note: Info on bootstrapping the loader itself is covered under Bootloader.

These topic instead include platform specific caveats and strategies, such as:

  1. Running existing code mods (.asi and friends), if applicable.
  2. Crash Handling
  3. Intercepting Process Exit

And of course, anything else that's interesting. The pages are more of a 'Cheat Sheet'.

Crash Handling

Each Platform should Make A Crash Dump

After a crash has been encountered; the code should (if possible):

  • Generate a Crash Dump.
  • Dump Log to Same Location as Crash Dump.
  • Display Crash Address (incl. Module/DLL name).
  • Open a file manager in the location of the dump.

Dumps will be written out to [TODO: Link Pending] as:

  • dump.dmp The crash dump.
  • log.txt The log of the recent run.
  • info.json Contextual information (e.g. Mod list game was started with).

The server should clean old crash dumps after some time (for instance, 7 days).

Crash handling should be opt-out in loader, in case you want to use an external handler.