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Programmer Usage

All APIs shown here are for reference only, not final.

The Redirector uses the Reloaded Dependency Injection [TODO: Link Pending] system to expose an API.

To use the Redirector API:

  1. Add the (or equivalent for your language) package to your project.

  2. Add the dependency to your mod's dependencies.

  3. In your mod's entry point, acquire the necessary services:

IRedirectorService _redirectorService;
IVfsService _vfsService;
IVfsSettingsService _vfsSettingsService;

public void Start(IModLoaderV1 loader)
    _redirectorService = _modLoader.GetService<IRedirectorService>();
    _vfsService = _modLoader.GetService<IVfsService>();
    _vfsSettingsService = _modLoader.GetService<IVfsSettingsService>();
struct MyMod {
    redirector_service: Option<IRedirectorService>,
    vfs_service: Option<IVfsService>,
    vfs_settings_service: Option<IVfsSettingsService>,

impl MyMod {
    fn new(loader: &mut IModLoader) -> Self {
        Self {
            redirector_service: loader.get_service::<IRedirectorService>().ok(),
            vfs_service: loader.get_service::<IVfsService>().ok(),
            vfs_settings_service: loader.get_service::<IVfsSettingsService>().ok(),
class MyMod {
    IRedirectorService* _redirectorService;
    IVfsService* _vfsService;
    IVfsSettingsService* _vfsSettingsService;

    MyMod(IModLoader* loader)
        _redirectorService = loader->GetService<IRedirectorService>();
        _vfsService = loader->GetService<IVfsService>();
        _vfsSettingsService = loader->GetService<IVfsSettingsService>();

IRedirectorService API

Using basic C# types for easier understanding. Actual types may vary.

Redirecting Individual Files

  • RedirectHandle AddRedirect(string sourcePath, string targetPath): Redirects an individual file path from sourcePath (original game path) to targetPath (mod file path). Returns a handle to the redirection.

  • void RemoveRedirect(RedirectHandle handle): Removes the redirection associated with the given handle.

Redirecting All Files in Folder

  • RedirectFolderHandle AddRedirectFolder(string sourceFolder, string targetFolder): Adds a new redirect folder. Files in targetFolder will overlay files in sourceFolder. Returns a handle to the redirect folder.

  • void RemoveRedirectFolder(RedirectFolderHandle handle): Removes the redirect folder associated with the given handle.

IVfsService API

Using basic C# types for easier understanding. Actual types may vary.

Registering Virtual Files

For file emulation framework. [TODO: Link Pending]

These APIs allow you to inject virtual files into search results, such that they appear alongside real files when game folders are being searched.

  • VirtualFileHandle RegisterVirtualFile(string filePath, VirtualFileMetadata metadata): Registers a new virtual file at filePath with the provided metadata. This allows the virtual file to be seen during file searches. Returns a handle to the virtual file.

  • void UnregisterVirtualFile(VirtualFileHandle handle): Unregisters the virtual file associated with the given handle.

The VirtualFileMetadata structure should look something like:

// This may differ for Unix. That's to be determined.
public struct VirtualFileMetadata
    public long CreationTime;
    public long LastAccessTime;
    public long LastWriteTime;
    public long ChangeTime;
    public long EndOfFile;
    public long AllocationSize;
    public FileAttributes FileAttributes;

Actually reading the files etc. is handled by the file emulation framework itself.

This API is intended to be called by the framework

And not by individual 'File Emulators' using the framework. i.e. The end user of the framework should not be calling this API.

IVfsSettingsService API

Using basic C# types for easier understanding. Actual types may vary.

VFS Settings

  • GetVfsSetting(VfsSettings setting): Gets the current value of a VFS setting. See VfsSettings enum for options.

  • SetVfsSetting(bool enable, VfsSettings setting): Enables or disables a specific VFS setting.

The VfsSettings enum provides the following options:

public enum VfsSettings
    None = 0,                   // Default value.
    PrintRedirect = 1 << 0,     // Prints when a file redirect is performed.
    PrintOpen = 1 << 1,         // Prints file open operations. (debug setting)
    DontPrintNonFiles = 1 << 2, // Skips printing non-files to the console.
    PrintGetAttributes = 1 << 3 // Prints operations that get file attributes (debug setting)


  • Enable() / Disable(): Enables or disables the VFS entirely.


Redirect an individual file:

var handle = _redirectorService.AddRedirect(@"dvdroot\bgm\SNG_STG26.adx", @"mods\mybgm.adx");
// ...
let handle = redirector_service.add_redirect(r"dvdroot\bgm\SNG_STG26.adx", r"mods\mybgm.adx");
// ...
auto handle = _redirectorService->AddRedirect(R"(dvdroot\bgm\SNG_STG26.adx)", R"(mods\mybgm.adx)");
// ...

Add a new redirect folder:

var handle = _redirectorService.AddRedirectFolder(@"game\data", @"mods\mymod\data");
// ...
let handle = redirector_service.add_redirect_folder(r"game\data", r"mods\mymod\data");
// ...
auto handle = _redirectorService->AddRedirectFolder(R"(game\data)", R"(mods\mymod\data)");
// ...

Register a virtual file (dummy example):

var metadata = new VirtualFileMetadata
    CreationTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks,
    LastAccessTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks,
    LastWriteTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks,
    ChangeTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks,
    EndOfFile = 1024,
    AllocationSize = 1024,
    FileAttributes = FileAttributes.Normal

var handle = _vfsService.RegisterVirtualFile(@"game\virtualfile.txt", metadata);
// ...
let metadata = VirtualFileMetadata {
    creation_time: SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_nanos() as i64,
    last_access_time: SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_nanos() as i64,
    last_write_time: SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_nanos() as i64,
    change_time: SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap().as_nanos() as i64,
    end_of_file: 1024,
    allocation_size: 1024,
    file_attributes: FileAttributes::Normal,

let handle = vfs_service.register_virtual_file(r"game\virtualfile.txt", metadata);
// ...
VirtualFileMetadata metadata;
metadata.CreationTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
metadata.LastAccessTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
metadata.LastWriteTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
metadata.ChangeTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
metadata.EndOfFile = 1024;
metadata.AllocationSize = 1024;
metadata.FileAttributes = FileAttributes::Normal;

auto handle = _vfsService->RegisterVirtualFile(R"(game\virtualfile.txt)", metadata);
// ...

Change VFS settings:

// Enable printing of file redirects
_vfsSettingsService.SetVfsSetting(true, VfsSettings.PrintRedirect);

// Disable the VFS entirely
// Enable printing of file redirects
vfs_settings_service.set_vfs_setting(true, VfsSettings::PrintRedirect);

// Disable the VFS entirely
// Enable printing of file redirects
_vfsSettingsService->SetVfsSetting(true, VfsSettings::PrintRedirect);

// Disable the VFS entirely