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Workflow Scripting

Reloaded3 workflows use Rhai scripts for adding additional arbitrary logic to templates.

This document outlines the scripting capabilities available in Reloaded3 workflows.

It's recommended to write Rhai scripts with the Rhai for Visual Studio Code extension for syntax highlighting.

Why Rhai?

When looking for a suitable scripting engine, I considered the following factors

High Priority:

  • Portability: This involves a few factors:

    • FileSystem Access: Calls to FileSystem must be case insensitive.No write access by default where it shouldn't be used.
    • Esoteric Platform Compatibility: Can this engine run on esoteric platforms?
      • Does it support no_std if possible?
  • Sandboxing:

    • Scripts should run in isolation from other scripts.
    • Fully sandboxed workflows can be marked with a 'safe' UI moniker.
    • Escaping the sandbox is allowed, since scripts will require calling external binaries, to e.g. unpack game files; but for safety reasons it will be limited.
  • Ease of Use: Should be something that's close to C-like syntax, but not too complex.

    • Dynamic typing should be ok, this is intended for very small scripts.
  • Interop with Host/Rust:

    • Rust host should be able to provide APIs to the script.
    • This is important for running custom binaries, reading/writing files, etc.

Lower Priority:

  • Pure Execution Speed: The size of the data being processed here is expected to be very small, therefore a full engine with a JIT/Bytecode is not strictly necessary.

With these points in mind, Rhai was chosen, as it nicely integrates into Rust and provides the above requirements. While it is not recommended for large-scale code, it is perfect for small scripts, which should make up the majority of the use cases. For more complex workloads, you can always call a binary from within a script.

Script Location

Rhai scripts are specified in the workflow.toml file under the [metadata] section:

rhai_script = "scripts/my_workflow_script.rhai"

Execution Timing

See: Workflow Execution Steps for the full details.

Rhai scripts are executed after all workflows in a chain have been completed, but before the final template substitution step. This allows scripts to modify or add variables based on user inputs from multiple workflows.

Available Modules and Functions

Reloaded3 extends Rhai with custom modules and functions tailored for workflow operations. Here are the available modules:

Variable Module

Allows for interaction with variables set during workflow execution.

Localized keys are available as variables in Rhai scripts.

variable::get("WORKFLOW_NAME") is a valid way to read the key that has the name of the workflow.

An Example

// Check if a variable is set
let is_set = variable::is_set("my_variable");

// Get a variable value
let value = variable::get("my_variable");

// Set a variable
variable::set("new_variable", "new value");

// Prompt user for input
let user_input = variable::prompt("Enter a value:");
let bool_input = variable::prompt("Do you agree?", true);
let choice = variable::prompt("Select an option:", "Option 1", ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"]);
  • variable::is_set(name: &str) -> bool: Returns true if the variable name has been set, false otherwise.

  • variable::get(name: &str) -> value: Retrieves the value of the variable name. Returns null if the variable doesn't exist.

  • variable::set(name: &str, value: (&str|bool)): Sets the variable name to value. If the variable already exists, it will be overwritten.

  • variable::prompt(text: &str) -> value: Prompts the user with text and returns their input as a string.

  • variable::prompt(text: &str, default_value: bool) -> value: Prompts the user with text, offering default_value as the default option. Returns a boolean.

  • variable::prompt(text: &str, default_value: &str) -> value: Prompts the user with text, offering default_value as the default option. Returns a string.

  • variable::prompt(text: &str, default_value: &str, choices: Array) -> value: Prompts the user to choose from the given choices array, with default_value as the default option.

Variables set here are available in MiniJinja templates.

List Module

The List module allows you to create lists that can be used in MiniJinja templates.

Example Usage with Localization

// Create a new list using localized keys for items
list::create("features", [

// Add a localized item to an existing list
list::add("features", variable::get("FEATURE_CONFIGURABLE_OPTIONS"));

// Remove an item from a list
list::remove("features", variable::get("FEATURE_CUSTOM_SKINS"));

// Get the current items in a list
let current_features = list::get("features");
for feature in current_features {
    print(`Feature: ${feature}`);
  • list::create(name: &str, items: Array): Creates a new list with the given name and initial items.

  • list::add(name: &str, item: value): Adds an item to the end of the specified list. If the list doesn't exist, it will be created.

  • list::remove(name: &str, item: value): Removes the first occurrence of the specified item from the list. Does nothing if the item is not found.

  • list::clear(name: &str): Removes all items from the specified list.

  • list::exists(name: &str) -> bool: Returns true if a list with the given name exists, false otherwise.

  • list::get(name: &str) -> Array: Returns the current items in the specified list as an array. Returns an empty array if the list doesn't exist.

File Operations

Allows you to read/write/create files.

An Example

// Get full system paths
// These are useful if you need to run external tools via CLI commands
let full_game_path = game::path("data/levels.dat");
let full_output_path = output::path("config.txt");
let full_workflow_path = workflow::path("templates/config.txt");

// Check if a file exists in the output directory
let exists_in_output = output::exists("config.txt");

// Write content to a file in the output directory
output::write("output.txt", "File content");

// Read a file from the game directory
let game_file_content = game::read("data/levels.dat");

// Check if a file exists in the workflow directory
let exists_in_workflow = workflow::exists("templates/config.txt");

// Read a file from the workflow directory
let workflow_file_content = workflow::read("templates/stage_template.txt");

Be careful about casing in file operations.

File operations are case-sensitive on some platforms. Be sure to use the correct casing when working with files.

If the case does not match, the template system will try doing a non-case sensitive search as a fallback. That may mean a different file is found than the one you intended.

Use the path APIs when calling external CLI commands.

These will fix the path to the correct case; ensuring the command runs as expected.

Output File Operations

This lets you work with files declared in workflow metadata, prior to template substitution.

  • output::path(relativepath: &str) -> &str: Returns the full system path for a file in the output directory.

  • output::exists(relativepath: &str) -> bool: Returns true if the file or directory at relativepath exists in the output directory, false otherwise.

  • output::rename(from: &str, to: &str): Renames the file or directory from from to to in the output directory.

  • output::delete(relativepath: &str): Deletes the file or directory at relativepath in the output directory.

  • output::write(relativepath: &str, content: &str): Writes content to the file at relativepath in the output directory. If the directory does not exist, it is created.

  • output::write(relativepath: &str, content: Array): Writes each element of the content array to a new line in the file at relativepath in the output directory. If the directory does not exist, it is created.

  • output::read(relativepath: &str) -> Array<u8>: Reads the contents of the file at relativepath in the output directory and returns it as a byte array.

Game File Operations

Allows for read-only access to files in the game folder.

These operations provide access to the game files that the mod is being created for.

  • game::path(relativepath: &str) -> &str: Returns the full system path for a file in the game directory.

  • game::exists(relativepath: &str) -> bool: Returns true if the file or directory at relativepath exists in the game directory, false otherwise.

  • game::read(relativepath: &str) -> Array<u8>: Reads the contents of the file at relativepath in the game directory and returns it as a byte array.

Workflow File Operations

Allows for read-only access to files in the workflow folder.

These operations provide access to the files that are part of the workflow itself.

  • workflow::path(path: &str) -> &str: Returns the full system path for a file in the workflow directory.

  • workflow::exists(path: &str) -> bool: Returns true if the file or directory at path exists in the workflow directory, false otherwise.

  • workflow::read(path: &str) -> Array<u8>: Reads the contents of the file at path in the workflow directory and returns it as a byte array.

System Module

These functions allow you to interact with the underlying operating system.

An Example

// Execute a system command
let result = system::command("echo", ["Hello, World!"]);

// Get current date
let date = system::date();
print(`Year: ${date.year}, Month: ${date.month}, Day: ${}`);

// Execute a task defined in a package declared task
let task_result = system::execute_task("launch-game", ["-fullscreen", "-nosound"]);
print(`Task execution result: ${task_result.exit_code}`);
print(`Task stdout: ${task_result.stdout}`);
  • system::command(cmd: &str, args: Array) -> TaskResult: Executes the system command cmd with the given args array. Returns a TaskResult object.

  • system::date() -> Date: Returns a Date object representing the current date in UTC. The Date object has year, month, and day properties.

  • system::execute_task(task_id: &str, args: Array) -> TaskResult: Executes the task with the given task_id. The task must be defined in a package. Additional command-line arguments can be provided in the args array. Returns a TaskResult object.

The TaskResult object has the following properties:

  • exit_code: An integer representing the exit code of the executed task or command.
  • stdout: A string containing the stdout of the task or command.
  • stderr: A string containing the stderr of the task or command.

The system::execute_task function allows you to run tasks defined in the Reloaded packages.

Use this for advanced functionality such as extracting archived game files that may require external CLI tools.

Set a dependency on the package that contains the binary that needs to be ran.

Combine system::command with workflow::path to run native binaries within the workflow.

Only use this to run binaries specifically created for the workflow.

Example Rhai Script

Here's an example of a Rhai script that might be used in a Reloaded3 workflow:

// Get user inputs from previous workflow steps
let selected_zone = variable::get("selected_zone");
let stage_name = variable::get("stage_name");
let add_or_replace = variable::get("add_or_replace");

// Determine the stage ID based on the selected zone and stage
let stage_id = switch selected_zone {
    "ZONE_SEASIDE" => variable::get("seaside_stage"),
    "ZONE_CITY" => variable::get("city_stage"),
    "ZONE_CASINO" => variable::get("casino_stage"),
    _ => "UNKNOWN_STAGE"

// Map stage IDs to their corresponding numbers
let stage_number_map = #{
    "STAGE_EGGHAWK": "20",
    "STAGE_TEAMBATTLE1": "21",

// Get the stage number
let stage_number = stage_number_map[stage_id];

if stage_number == () {
    print(`Error: Unknown stage ID ${stage_id}`);

// Determine if we're adding a new stage or replacing an existing one
let is_new_stage = (add_or_replace == "SETTING_STAGE_ADD");

// If adding a new stage, find the next available stage number
let target_stage_number;
if is_new_stage {
    target_stage_number = "99"; // Assume some external mod handles this at runtime.
} else {
    target_stage_number = stage_number;

// Set the target stage ID for file operations
variable::set("target_stage_id", target_stage_number);

// Copy the files
copy_stage_files(stage_number, target_stage_number);
print(`Stage "${stage_name}" (s${target_stage_number}) has been ${is_new_stage ? "created" : "replaced"}.`);

// Function to copy files with both 's' and 'stg' prefixes
fn copy_stage_files(source_number, target_number) {
    let prefixes = ["s", "stg"];
    let file_list = [

    for prefix in prefixes {
        for file in file_list {
            let source_path = `dvdroot/${file.replace("${prefix}${num}", "${prefix}${source_number}")}`;
            let target_path = `dvdroot/${file.replace("${prefix}${num}", "${prefix}${target_number}")}`;

            if game::exists(source_path) {
                let content = game::read(source_path);
                output::write(target_path, content);
                print(`Copied ${source_path} to ${target_path}`);