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Hash Cache API

This document outlines the API for the Reloaded3 Hash Cache system.

It is composed of a writer for creating hash cache data and a reader for accessing the data from existing sources.

Some of the code here was made by an LLM and not yet tested.

And as per the R3 code guidelines, it uses no_std with alloc as a starting point.

Common Types

use alloc::string::String;

pub type FILETIME = u64;

pub struct FileInfo {
    pub partial_hash: u64,
    pub full_hash: u64,
    pub path_hash: u64,
    pub last_modified: FILETIME,
    pub path: Option<String>,

// A wrapper around a valid index in the HashCacheReader
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct EntryIndex(usize);

Writer API

The HashCacheWriter is responsible for creating new hash cache data with optional path storage.

It is thread-safe and allows adding file information. The finalize method uses a destination factory to create a properly sized destination.

pub trait WriteDestinationFactory: Send + Sync {
    type Error;
    type Destination: WriteDestination;

    /// Creates a destination with the specified capacity
    fn create_destination(&self, capacity: usize) -> Result<Self::Destination, Self::Error>;

pub trait WriteDestination: Send + Sync {
    type Error;
    type Reader: Source;

    fn write(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
    fn finish(self) -> Result<Self::Reader, Self::Error>;

pub struct HashCacheWriter {
    // Internal fields

impl HashCacheWriter {
    /// Creates a new HashCacheWriter instance
    pub fn new() -> Self;

    /// Adds file information to the hash cache
    pub fn add_file(&mut self, file_info: FileInfo);

    /// Finalizes the writing process and returns a reader
    /// This method computes the required capacity for the destination,
    /// creates the destination using the factory, writes the data,
    /// and returns a reader for the written data.
    pub fn finalize<F: WriteDestinationFactory>(
        factory: F,
        include_paths: bool
    ) -> Result<HashCacheReader<F::Destination::Reader>, F::Error>;

Reader API

The HashCacheReader is used to read and query data from existing hash cache data.

It's designed to be thread-safe and can work with various data sources efficiently.

pub trait Source: Send + Sync {
    fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u8];

pub struct HashCacheReader<S: Source> {
    // Internal fields

impl<S: Source> HashCacheReader<S> {
    /// Creates a new HashCacheReader instance from a source
    pub fn new(source: S) -> Self;

    /// Returns the number of entries in the hash cache
    pub fn entry_count(&self) -> usize;

    /// Checks if paths are included in this hash cache
    pub fn has_paths(&self) -> bool;

    /// Finds an entry by path hash and returns a wrapper around its index
    pub fn find_by_path_hash(&self, path_hash: u64) -> Option<EntryIndex>;

    /// Gets the partial hash for a file using an EntryIndex
    pub fn partial_hash(&self, entry: EntryIndex) -> u64;

    /// Gets the full hash for a file using an EntryIndex
    pub fn full_hash(&self, entry: EntryIndex) -> u64;

    /// Gets the path hash for a file using an EntryIndex
    pub fn path_hash(&self, entry: EntryIndex) -> u64;

    /// Gets the last modified time for a file using an EntryIndex
    pub fn last_modified(&self, entry: EntryIndex) -> FILETIME;

    /// Gets the path for a file using an EntryIndex (if paths are included)
    pub fn path(&self, entry: EntryIndex) -> Option<&str>;

    /// Iterates over all entries in the hash cache
    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = FileInfo>;

Write Destinations

This section describes some example write destination factories for the HashCacheWriter.

Memory-Mapped File Destination Factory

pub struct MmapFileDestinationFactory {
    path: String,

impl WriteDestinationFactory for MmapFileDestinationFactory {
    type Error = IoError;
    type Destination = MmapFileDestination;

    fn create_destination(&self, capacity: usize) -> Result<Self::Destination, Self::Error>;

pub struct MmapFileDestination {
    // Internal fields

impl WriteDestination for MmapFileDestination {
    type Error = IoError;
    type Reader = MmapFileSource;

    // Method implementations

In-Memory Destination Factory

pub struct InMemoryDestinationFactory;

impl WriteDestinationFactory for InMemoryDestinationFactory {
    type Error = Never; // This implementation cannot fail
    type Destination = InMemoryDestination;

    fn create_destination(&self, capacity: usize) -> Result<Self::Destination, Self::Error>;

pub struct InMemoryDestination {
    // Internal fields

impl WriteDestination for InMemoryDestination {
    type Error = Never; // This implementation cannot fail
    type Reader = InMemorySource;

    // Method implementations

Read Sources

This section describes the available/reference read sources for the HashCacheReader.

Memory-Mapped File Source

pub struct MmapFileSource(/* Internal fields */);

impl Source for MmapFileSource {
    // Method implementation

In-Memory Source

pub struct InMemorySource(/* Internal fields */);

impl Source for InMemorySource {
    // Method implementation

Usage Examples

This section provides examples of how to use the Hash Cache API.

Disclaimer: This is pseudocode generated by a large language model.

Writing to a Hash Cache

use alloc::string::String;

// Creating a new HashCacheWriter
let mut writer = HashCacheWriter::new();

// Adding file information to the hash cache
let file_info = FileInfo {
    partial_hash: 0x1234567890ABCDEF,
    full_hash: 0xFEDCBA0987654321,
    path_hash: 0xABCDEF0123456789,
    last_modified: 132514620000000000, // Windows FILETIME (100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601)
    path: Some(String::from("file1.txt")),

// Add more files...

// Creating a memory-mapped file destination factory
let factory = MmapFileDestinationFactory::new(String::from("hash_cache.bin"));

// Finalizing the writing process and obtaining a reader
let reader = writer.finalize(factory, true).expect("Failed to finalize");

// Now you can use the reader to access the hash cache data
println!("Number of entries: {}", reader.entry_count());

Reading from a Hash Cache

// Creating a memory-mapped file source
let source = MmapFileSource::new("hash_cache.bin").expect("Failed to open file");

// Creating a new HashCacheReader
let reader = HashCacheReader::new(source);

// Using the reader to access hash cache data
if let Some(entry) = reader.find_by_path_hash(compute_path_hash("file1.txt")) {
    println!("Partial Hash: {:x}", reader.partial_hash(entry));
    println!("Full Hash: {:x}", reader.full_hash(entry));
    println!("Last Modified: {:x}", reader.last_modified(entry));
    if let Some(path) = reader.path(entry) {
        println!("Path: {}", path);

// Iterating over all entries in the hash cache
for entry in reader.iter() {
    println!("Partial Hash: {:x}, Full Hash: {:x}", entry.partial_hash, entry.full_hash);

Implementation Notes

Notes for those using the API.

  • The HashCacheWriter internally computes the required capacity during finalization.
  • The destination factory creates a destination with the exact required capacity, avoiding unnecessary re-allocations.
  • Path compression is performed as first step of finalization.
  • The HashCacheReader uses a generic Source trait, allowing it to work efficiently with different data sources without runtime overhead.
  • The EntryIndex wrapper allows for efficient, unchecked access to entry data after the initial safety check.

Thread Safety

  • Both the HashCacheReader and HashCacheWriter are designed to be thread-safe and can be safely shared between threads without additional synchronization.