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Reloaded3 loadouts use a single snapshot for quick loading and fault tolerance.

A snapshot contains the current state of the parser containing the Unpacked Loadout Data, allowing for fast loading and efficient updates.

Snapshot Contents (Schema)

struct Snapshot {
    // Metadata
    num_events: u32,

    // Loadout ID (This is the same as the loadout {UID}.)
    loadout_id: String,

    // Packages
    packages: Vec<PackageInfo>,

    // Configurations
    configurations: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
    config_hashes: HashMap<XXH3, u32>, // Hash to index in 'configurations'

    // External Configurations
    external_configs: Vec<ExternalConfigInfo>,
    external_config_hashes: HashMap<XXH3, u32>, // Hash to index in 'external_configs'

    // Mod Load Order
    mod_load_order: Vec<u32>, // Vec of indices into packages

    // Loadout Display Settings
    display_settings: LoadoutDisplaySettings,

    // Game Store Manifest
    game_store_manifest: GameStoreManifest,

    // Commandline Parameters
    commandline_parameters: String,

struct PackageInfo {
    package_id: XXH3, // XXH3(PackageID)
    version: String, // Semantic version
    state: PackageState,
    configuration_index: Option<u32>, // Index into configurations Vec

struct ExternalConfigInfo {
    package_id: XXH3, // XXH3(PackageID)
    path: String, // Relative path to the external config file
    data: Vec<u8>, // Raw content of the external config file

struct LoadoutDisplaySettings {
    loadout_grid_enabled_sort_mode: SortingMode,
    loadout_grid_disabled_sort_mode: SortingMode,
    mod_load_order_sort: SortOrder,
    loadout_grid_style: GridDisplayMode,

struct GameStoreManifest {
    store_type: StoreType,
    store_data: StoreData,

struct StoreData {
    // Common fields
    exe_hash: u64,
    exe_path: String,
    app_id: String,

    // Store-specific data
    gog: Option<GOGStoreData>,
    steam: Option<SteamStoreData>,
    epic: Option<EpicStoreData>,
    microsoft: Option<MicrosoftStoreData>,

struct GOGStoreData {
    game_id: u64,
    build_id: u64,
    version_name: String,

struct SteamStoreData {
    app_id: u64,
    depot_id: u64,
    manifest_id: u64,
    branch: String,
    branch_password: String,

struct EpicStoreData {
    catalog_item_id: String, // 128-bit identifier stored as a string
    app_version_string: String,

struct MicrosoftStoreData {
    package_family_name: String,
    package_version: String,

Human-Friendly Explanation

  1. Metadata

    • Event Counter: A number tracking how many events have occurred (u32).
      • This matches header.bin's number of events in the unpacked loadout.
  2. Packages

    • A list of all packages in the loadout, each containing:
      • Package ID: A unique identifier for the package (XXH3 hash of the package ID).
      • Version: The semantic version of the package as a string (e.g., 1.2.3).
      • State: The current state of the package using the PackageState enum.
      • Configuration Index: An optional index into the configurations Vec.
    • Corresponds to Package References.
    • Only one version of a package can be installed at a time.
  3. Configurations

    • A list of raw configuration data for packages.
    • Indexed by the configuration_index in PackageInfo.
    • Corresponds to config.bin & config-data.bin.
    • Configurations are not version specific. They persist across package versions.
  4. External Configurations

    • A list of external configuration information for packages, each containing:
      • Package ID: The XXH3 hash of the package ID this config belongs to.
      • Path: The relative path to the external config file.
      • Data: The raw content of the external config file.
    • Corresponds to external-config.bin, external-config-data.bin, & external-config-paths.bin.
    • External configurations are tracked separately from internal configurations.
  5. Mod Load Order

    • An ordered list of indices representing the current load order of mods.
    • These indices correspond to the positions in the packages list.
  6. Loadout Display Settings

    • Enabled Grid Sort Mode: How enabled mods are sorted in the mod view (SortingMode).
    • Disabled Grid Sort Mode: How disabled mods are sorted in the mod view (SortingMode).
    • Mod Load Order Sort: Whether mods are shown top to bottom or bottom to top for load ordering (SortOrder).
    • Grid Display Style: The visual style of the grid that displays enabled mods (GridDisplayMode).
  7. Game Store Manifest

    • Store Type: Which store the game is from (StoreType).
    • Store Data: A structure containing common fields and store-specific data:

      • Common fields for all store types:
        • exe_hash: Hash of the game executable (XXH3 hash).
        • exe_path: Path to the game executable.
        • app_id: Application ID of the game (string format for flexibility).
      • Store-specific data is included in separate sub-structs:
        • GOG: game_id, build_id, version_name.
        • Steam: app_id (as u64), depot_id, manifest_id, branch, branch_password.
        • Epic: catalog_item_id, app_version_string.
        • Microsoft: package_family_name, package_version.

      The store_type field determines which store-specific struct is populated and should be used.

  8. Commandline Parameters

    • A string containing the current commandline parameters for the game.

How Snapshots are Used

Snapshots are the current in-memory representation of the current state of the unpacked loadout.

Snapshots are used to restore the unpacked loadout without replaying all events.

How Snapshots are Stored

Snapshots are stored as a single .snapshot.bin file.

  • Serialized with bitcode.
    • This data will be mutated after loading, so zero-copy serialization is not desireable.
  • Compressed with Zstandard.
  • Updated periodically, or when a loadout is flushed back to disk.

Snapshots will be prefixed with a version declared as u32 integer.

Any incompatible changes to the snapshot schema; for example:

  • Changing the order of a field.
  • Adding a new field.
  • Removing a field.
  • Changing the type of a field.

Will increment the version number. Migration is a possibility, but changes in schema are not expected to be frequent, and replaying events is expected to be very fast; therefore initially there will be no migration code; as to avoid bloating the binary.

Extra Benefits

  • Used in fault handling to recover from crashes.
    • Can partially reconstruct event history if needed.

Snapshots balance performance with the flexibility of event sourcing.