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About the Reloaded3 Central Server

The Reloaded3 Maintainer Operates a Central Server providing a Package Index and Download Services

The Central Server is a crucial component of the Reloaded3 ecosystem, serving as a centralized source for information related to packages.

Purpose and Features

The Central Server fulfills several key roles:

  1. Package Indexing: Monitors mod sites for new mods and packages, keeping an up-to-date index of available reloaded3 content.
    • This is used for Dependency Resolution and Mod Search.
    • Provides info for all sources where a package can be downloaded from.
  2. Compatibility Tracking: Collects and provides user-submitted compatibility reports for mods and game versions.
    • A possible way to detect when mods break due to game updates.
  3. Update Management: Checks for and provides information about available updates for packages.
    • Accelerates the checking of updates for individual users.
  4. Translation Services: Manages and provides access to available translations for packages.
    • Makes it easier for users to find translations for mods.
    • Makes it easier for authors to keep track of translation progress.

API Availability

The Central Server offers two types of APIs to access its services:

  1. Online API: Hosted directly by the Reloaded3's Maintainer.
  2. Static API: A serverless, authentication-free API hosted on Cloudflare, offering a subset of features with potentially higher availability and lower latency.

This is a table of all APIs and where they are available.

Purpose Online API Static API
Search Banners SteamGridDB Wrapper
Mod Compatibility Tracking Compatibility API (Batch) Compatibility Reports (Read Only)
Package Metadata Package Metadata (Batch) Static Package Metadata
Check for Updates Check for Updates (Batch) ⚠ Possible with Static Package Metadata API
Search Translations Search Translations (Batch) Static Translations
Get Translation Contents Translation Data
Download Information Download Info Static Download Info
Search Packages Search API
Delta Update Verification Delta Verification

The inclusion of both an Online API and a Static API ensures maximized availability, such that basic Reloaded3 functionality can continue to function even when the server is being restarted or is down.

Security and Reliability

The Central Server implements several measures to ensure security and reliability

  1. Package Verification: Implements cross-referencing to prevent unauthorized package updates.
  2. Moderation: Relies on third-party websites as moderators for package entries.
  3. Automatic Backups: Regularly backs up all packages to HDD/Cloud Storage to prevent data loss.