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Delta Patching Logic

This page describes the logic performed to generate and apply delta patches.

Applying Deltas

The delta update logic is as follows.

  1. Check all PatchSources and FilesToCopy against existing files.

    • Find item in File Hash Cache with same hash.
      • Abort if not found.
    • Check hash of actual file obtained from File Hash Cache.
      • If file on disk has same write time, use cached hash.
      • If file has different write time, recompute the hash. Don't update cache however!!
      • Abort if hash mismatches.
    • Get file path to file with hash.
  2. Apply delta patches for all files.

    • Writing them directly to temp directory.
  3. Extract all files in FilesToExtract to temp directory.

    • Find file in archive by matching hash.
  4. Copy all files in FilesToCopy to temp directory.

  5. Rename temp directory to output directory.

In order to prevent data loss, the delta update logic will NOT run in place.

In the case of sudden termination of the process or power loss, the original folder must remain unchanged. Therefore the output will always be to a new directory, then we'll simply swap the directories once operation is complete.

Temp directory should be on the same mount as the output directory, ideally in parent folder.

Generating Deltas

These are the steps to generate a single delta patch.

This follows a 3 step process:

  1. Pack New Version
  2. Get Previous Versions
  3. Process Files

Intermediate .patch files (patches) are stored in RAM.

Pack New Version

Pack the NewVersion of the mod (non-delta).

This can be used as the reference .nx file from which we source the data in the later steps.

This is useful, because the packing step also provides us with hashes of the final files (for free), and pre-compressed data (for Repacking feature of .nx) to accelerate the delta generation process.

Get Previous Version(s)

Obtain the previous versions to create deltas from.

User should be able to select the previous versions they wish to create deltas from.

The original inputs can be sourced from:

Process Files

Process all files to we need to generate

Each file has a 'state' which can be one of the following:

  • Unprocessed
  • Processed

For each delta to generate do the following.

Iterate over all of the files in NewVersion.

  • If the file is in the Original mod folder and is the same, add it to the copy list.

    • Mark the file as Processed.
  • Else If the file is not the same, generate a patch for it.

    • GetOrCreate patch for original -> new file.
      • If a patch was already made for hash(original) then reuse it.
      • By appending to PatchTargetPaths list for that specific patch.
    • Link the generated patch to the original file hash, for all output files.
    • Mark the file as Processed.

Then iterate again, to cover remaining files:

  • If the file is new (not in Original folder), add it to the extract list.
    • Mark the file as Processed.

Now all files should be processed.

Now you can generate the delta header and pack the delta files.

Delta Patch Format

There are many formats with which you can generate deltas.

Which do we use?

I've tried several formats:

After trying several solutions, I decided to use the ZStandard Patching Engine. HDiffPatch was generally the best for executable data and used little memory. On the other hand, the ZStandard Patching Engine was slightly better for binary data (e.g. 3D Model Files).

The main reason for going with ZStandard comes down to decompression speed. Decompression speed on my machine was hitting around 1GiB/s, approximately double that of HDiffPatch.

This also blends well with the fact that is simply the fact that the dependency is already in use within the the .nx archive container; therefore it brings no additional dependency.