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Static API

The Static CDN API provides offline access to package metadata, configurations, compatibility reports, and other essential information.

The API is hosted on BackBlaze with CloudFlare CDN.

Or directly on CloudFlare R2, we'll see when we get there.

The API uses a file structure designed to efficiently handle lookups for over 1 million packages, with packages split into multiple files based on the first three bytes of their XXH3 hash, calculated from the package ID.

Hashes in this API are returned as little endian numbers

To convert to a string, use the hexadecimal representation of the number after converting to little endian.

Lookup Process

To look up a package, translation, or other hash based data:

  1. Calculate the XXH3 hash of the package ID.
  2. Take the first two bytes of the hash.
  3. Navigate to the corresponding directory based on the first byte and second byte.
  4. Load the corresponding .msgpack.zstd file (or folder) within that directory.
  5. Search for the package entry with the matching full hash within that file.

This file structure provides benefits such as scalability, fast lookups, and balanced distribution of packages across files, while accommodating the potential for accessing around 16.8 million unique mods.

(In a manner where 1 file == 1 mod)

Download Information API

Each .msgpack.zstd file in the download-info directory contains an array of package entries.

└── download-info
    ├── 00
    │   ├── 00
    │   │   ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │   │   ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │   │   ...
    │   │   └── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │   ├── 01
    │   │   ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │   │   ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │   │   ...
    │   │   └── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │   ...
    │   └── ff
    │       ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │       ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │       ...
    │       └── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    └── ff
        ├── 00
        │   ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
        │   ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
        │   ...
        │   └── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
        └── ff
            ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
            ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
            └── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd

Here's an example of the decoded MessagePack content:

    "packageIdHash": XXH3(UTF8(packageId)),
    "packageId": "reloaded3.utility.reloadedhooks.s56",
    "version": "1.1.0",
    "updateData": {
      "GameBanana": {
        "ItemType": "Mod",
        "ItemId": 408376
      "GitHub": {
        "UserName": "Sewer56",
        "RepositoryName": "reloaded3.gamesupport.persona5royal"
      "Nexus": {
        "GameId": 1000,
        "Id": 789012
    "downloadInfo": [
        "type": "GameBanana",
        "idRow": 610939,
        "fileSize": 1048576,
        "xxhash3": 1311768467294899695,
        "wasDeleted": false
        "type": "NexusMods",
        "uid": "7318624808113",
        "fileSize": 1048576,
        "xxhash3": 1311768467294899695,
        "wasDeleted": false
        "type": "GitHub",
        "userName": "Sewer56",
        "repositoryName": "persona5royal-modloader",
        "assetId": 160499684,
        "fileSize": 495,
        "xxhash3": 1311768467294899695,
        "wasDeleted": false
    "deltaUpdates": [
        "fromVersion": "1.0.0",
        "downloadInfo": [
            "type": "GameBanana",
            "idRow": 610940,
            "fileSize": 102400,
            "xxhash3": 18364758544493064721,
            "wasDeleted": false
            "type": "NexusMods",
            "uid": "7318624808114",
            "fileSize": 102400,
            "xxhash3": 18364758544493064721,
            "wasDeleted": false
            "type": "GitHub",
            "userName": "Sewer56",
            "repositoryName": "persona5royal-modloader",
            "assetId": 160499685,
            "fileSize": 102400,
            "xxhash3": 18364758544493064721,
            "wasDeleted": false

Expect only contents for 1 package per file

The contents of this API mirror those in the Download Information API, so use that API for reference.

Package Metadata API

Each .msgpack.zstd file in the package-metadata directory contains an array of package entries.

└── package-metadata
    ├── 00
    │   ├── 00
    │   │   ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │   │   ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │   │   ...
    │   │   └── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │   ├── 01
    │   │   ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │   │   ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │   │   ...
    │   │   └── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │   ...
    │   └── ff
    │       ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │       ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │       ...
    │       └── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    └── ff
        ├── 00
        │   ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
        │   ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
        │   ...
        │   └── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
        └── ff
            ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
            ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
            └── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd

Here's an example of the decoded MessagePack content:

    "packageIdHash": XXH3(UTF8(packageId)),
    "packageId": "reloaded3.utility.reloadedhooks.s56",
    "version": "1.1.0",
    "packageToml": "Id = \"reloaded3.utility.reloadedhooks.s56\"\nName = \"Reloaded3 Hooking Library\"...",
    "configToml": "...",
    "languageFiles": [
        "path": "languages/en-GB.toml",
        "data": "..."
        "path": "languages/fr-FR.toml",
        "data": "..."

Translations API

Each .msgpack.zstd file in the translations directory corresponds to a single package.

└── translations
    ├── 00
    │   ├── 00
    │   │   ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │   │   ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │   │   ...
    │   ├── 01
    │   │   ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │   │   ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │   │   ...
    │   ...
    │   └── ff
    │       ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │       ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
    │       ...
    └── ff
        ├── 00
        │   ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
        │   ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
        │   ...
        └── ff
            ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd
            ├── {packageIdHash}.msgpack.zstd

Here's an example of the decoded MessagePack content:

    "packageId": "",
    "languageCode": "de-DE",
    "friendlyName": "Deutsch (Deutschland)"
    "packageId": "",
    "languageCode": "fr-FR",
    "friendlyName": "Français (France)"

Typical Use Cases:

  • Discover available translations for a package.
  • Download and install translations for a package.

For more information on how translations are structured and added to packages, refer to the Adding Localisations documentation.

Translation Packages API

This API stores the raw .nx package files for translation mods

The actual translation content is stored separately from the translation metadata for efficiency.

└── translation-data
    ├── 00
    │   ├── 00
    │   │   ├── {translationPackageIdHash}.nx
    │   │   ├── {translationPackageIdHash}.nx
    │   │   ...
    │   ├── 01
    │   │   ├── {translationPackageIdHash}.nx
    │   │   ├── {translationPackageIdHash}.nx
    │   │   ...
    │   ...
    └── ff
        ├── 00
        │   ├── {translationPackageIdHash}.nx
        │   ├── {translationPackageIdHash}.nx
        │   ...
        └── ff
            ├── {translationPackageIdHash}.nx
            ├── {translationPackageIdHash}.nx

Each .nx file is the full translation mod package.

This API only stores only packages under 1MiB, which should hopefully satisfy 100% of all text based translation mods. Otherwise you'll need to delegate to the original site where the mod was uploaded.

If downloading from here results in failure, use the Download Information API to get the proper download sources.

Compatibility Reports API

This is a backup endpoint and may contain slightly outdated compatibility reports

To get the latest values, query the server proper. This is just a fallback in case main server is dead.

To save on costs, this is a backup updated every 24 hours. This makes for approx 256*30 -> 7680 files updated a month.

The compatibility reports are grouped by the first byte of the packageId hash to efficiently handle updates for a large number of mods.

This allows us to update multiple mods in batch every time interval.

└── compatibility-reports
    ├── 00.msgpack.zstd
    ├── 01.msgpack.zstd
    └── fd.msgpack.zstd
    └── fe.msgpack.zstd
    └── ff.msgpack.zstd

Here's an example of the decoded MessagePack content:

    "packageId": "reloaded3.gamesupport.persona5royal.s56",
    "packageVersion": "1.0.1",
    "gameCompatibility": {
      "persona5royal": [
          "gameVersionId": 1,
          "successCount": 42,
          "failureCount": 3
      "persona4golden": [
          "gameVersionId": 2,
          "successCount": 10,
          "failureCount": 1
    "packageId": "reloaded3.utility.reloadedhooks.s56",
    "packageVersion": "2.3.0",
    "gameCompatibility": {
      "sonicheroes": [
          "gameVersionId": 2,
          "successCount": 20,
          "failureCount": 1

The gameVersionId field is sourced from the Community Repository.

Search API

This API does not have a hosted endpoint.

This is a CDN only API.

Retrieves the entire list of mods for a specific game

We download this and can then search locally.

The searchable mod data is grouped by the game prefix, which is the first part of the package ID as declared in All mods with the same game prefix are stored within a single .msgpack.zstd file.

└── search
    ├── game1.msgpack.zstd
    ├── game2.msgpack.zstd
    └── reloaded3.msgpack.zstd

In this structure, each .msgpack.zstd file represents a game prefix and contains an array of searchable mod entries for all mods with that prefix.

Here's an example of the decoded MessagePack content for a .msgpack.zstd file:

    "packageId": "game1.mods.mod1.s56",
    "name": "Mod 1",
    "summary": "A cool mod for Game 1",
    "bannerImages": [
        "imageHash": 1234567890,
        "resolutions": [
            "width": 440,
            "height": 220
            "width": 880,
            "height": 440
    "packageId": "game1.mods.mod2.s56",
    "name": "Mod 2",
    "summary": "Another awesome mod for Game 1",
    "bannerImages": [
        "imageHash": 2345678901,
        "resolutions": [
            "width": 440,
            "height": 220
            "width": 880,
            "height": 440

Each entry in the array represents a searchable mod and includes the following fields:

  • packageId: The unique identifier of the mod package.
  • name: The name of the mod.
  • summary: A brief one-line summary of the mod, extracted from the mod metadata.
  • bannerImages: An array of banner images for the mod.
    • imageHash: The XXH3 hash of the banner image, stored as an integer to minimize size.
    • resolutions: An array of available resolutions for the banner image.
      • width: The width of the image in pixels.
      • height: The height of the image in pixels.

All banner files are stored in a separate folder structure based on the XXH3 hash of the image.

We use XXH3 here because MessagePack doesn't natively support 16 byte integers. Also to save space.

└── banner-files
    ├── 12
    │   └── 34
    │       ├── 1234{restofImageHash}
    │       │   ├── 0.jxl
    │       │   └── 1.jxl
    │       └── 1234{restofImageHash}
    │           ├── 0.jxl
    │           └── 1.jxl
    ├── 56
    │   └── 78
    │       ├── 5678{restofImageHash}
    │       │   ├── 0.jxl
    │       │   └── 1.jxl
    │       └── 5678{restofImageHash}
    │           ├── 0.jxl
    │           └── 1.jxl

The logic is same as in directories above. The only caveat is we now have a folder named after the hash, and multiple files inside of it.

For the file name, use the index of the array entry. So first entry is 0.jxl, second entry is 1.jxl, and so on.

See Mod Metadata: Icon (Search) for more information.

Searching Mods

To perform a search, users can follow these steps:

  1. Download the .msgpack.zstd file for the desired game prefix from the static endpoint.
  2. Decompress and load the .msgpack.zstd file into memory.
  3. Perform local searches based on the desired criteria:
    • Mod Name: Search for mods whose name field contains the specified keywords.
    • Mod ID: Search for mods whose packageId field matches the specified ID.
    • Summary: Search for mods whose summary field contains the specified keywords.
  4. Display the search results to the user, including the banner images.
    • To display a banner image, retrieve the banner file using the imageHash and resolutions array from the bannerImages field of the mod entry.
    • Load the appropriate banner file based on the user's display resolution.

By default, I recommend searching by substring. In Name and ModId. Summary can be opt in.

Delta Verification API

This API determines the information needed to determine if you are eligible to apply a delta update.

Each file contains a list of hashes that must exist in the previous version of the package.

If any file does not exist, you will be unable to apply the delta update.

File Structure

└── delta-headers
    ├── 00
    │   ├── 00
    │   │   ├── {deltaHeaderHash}.bin
    │   │   ├── {deltaHeaderHash}.bin
    │   │   ...
    │   │   └── {deltaHeaderHash}.bin
    │   ├── 01
    │   │   ├── {deltaHeaderHash}.bin
    │   │   ├── {deltaHeaderHash}.bin
    │   │   ...
    │   │   └── {deltaHeaderHash}.bin
    │   ...
    │   └── ff
    │       ├── {deltaHeaderHash}.bin
    │       ├── {deltaHeaderHash}.bin
    │       ...
    │       └── {deltaHeaderHash}.bin
    └── ff
        ├── 00
        │   ├── {deltaHeaderHash}.bin
        │   ├── {deltaHeaderHash}.bin
        │   ...
        │   └── {deltaHeaderHash}.bin
        └── ff
            ├── {deltaHeaderHash}.bin
            ├── {deltaHeaderHash}.bin
            └── {deltaHeaderHash}.bin

Delta Header Hash Calculation

To determine which file you need to open (generate deltaHeaderhash), follow these steps

  1. Create a string by concatenating packageId, oldVersion, and newVersion, separated by null bytes:
  2. Encode this string as UTF-8.
    • Note: In most cases, this will be ASCII and result in 1 byte per character.
  3. Calculate the XXH3 hash of this UTF-8 encoded string.
    • Including the final null terminator.
  4. Use the string name of the hash (in hexadecimal) to determine the file location.

For example, if the XXH3 hash is 12ab3c4d5e6f7890, the file would be located at:


This follows the same pattern as other files.

Delta Header File Content

The .bin file contains a list of XXH3 hashes.

These hashes represent the files required in the previous/original mod folder to apply the delta update.

If a file with any of the hashes is not present, the delta update cannot be applied.

  • u8: Version
  • u24: Reserved
  • u32: Number of hashes
  • XXH3[Number of hashes]: List of file hashes