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Workflow Schema

This file specifies the individual layout of a Reloaded3 workflow, including schema and supporting files.

A Typical Workflow Package

A typical package with workflows looks something like this.

├── languages
│   └── create-a-stage
│       ├── en-GB.toml
│       └── uwu-en.toml
├── package
│   └── images
│       ├── bingo_highway.jxl
│       ├── casino_icon.jxl
│       ├── casino_park.jxl
│       ├── city_icon.jxl
│       ├── egg_hawk.jxl
│       ├── grand_metrpolis.jxl
│       ├── ocean_palace.jxl
│       ├── power_plant.jxl
│       ├── robot_carnival.jxl
│       ├── seaside_hill.jxl
│       ├── seaside_icon.jxl
│       └── team_battle_1.jxl
├── workflows
│   └── create-a-stage
│       ├── files
│       │   └── package.toml
│       └── workflow.toml
└── package.toml
  • Each workflow is stored in a subfolder of the workflows folder.
    • The files subfolder contains templates on which we perform substitution on.
    • After substitution, the files are copied to the user's mod folder.
  • The languages folder contains the localization files for each workflow.
  • The package/images folder contains the images for each workflow (see Packaging: Images for more info).
  • The workflow.toml file defines the steps and metadata of the workflow.

Workflow Execution Steps

The workflow execution process in Reloaded3 is a multi-stage process

The workflow execution process in Reloaded3 involves multiple stages, including running multiple workflows in sequence, executing post-workflow scripts, and performing template substitutions. Here's a detailed breakdown of the process:

  1. Workflow Chain Execution

    • Start with the initial workflow.
    • For each workflow in the chain:

      1. Load the workflow configuration.
      2. Execute the workflow, collecting user inputs and generating output variables.
      3. If a rhai_script is specified, queue the script.
      4. If files are specified in the workflow, collect them into list.
      5. If a next_workflow_id is specified, run the next workflow.
    • Continue until there are no more workflows marked by next_workflow_id.

  2. Post-Workflow Script Execution

    • For each rhai_script that was queued, in order:
      1. Load the associated Rhai script.
      2. Execute the script, providing access to all variables collected so far.
      3. Collect any new variables or modifications produced by the script.
  3. Template Substitution

    • Collect all files specified in the files field of each executed workflow.
    • For each file: a. Load the file content. b. Use the MiniJinja engine to perform variable substitutions. c. Write the result to the output folder.
  4. Finalization

    • Perform any final cleanup or organization of the output folder.
    • Notify the user of the completed workflow execution.

Workflow Execution Graph

graph TD
    A[Start] --> B[Load Initial Workflow]
    B --> C[Execute Workflow]
    C --> D[Collect User Inputs]
    D --> E{Rhai Script Specified?}
    E -->|Yes| F[Queue Rhai Script]
    E -->|No| G
    F --> G{Files Specified?}
    G -->|Yes| H[Collect Files]
    G -->|No| I
    H --> I{Next Workflow?}
    I -->|Yes| J[Load Next Workflow]
    J --> C
    I -->|No| K[Execute Queued Rhai Scripts]
    K -- Pass variables from rhai scripts + workflow --> N[Process Files with MiniJinja]
    N --> O[Write to Output Folder]
    O --> Q[End]

    subgraph "Workflow Chain"

    subgraph "Post-Processing"

    subgraph "Output Generation"

Rhai Script Capabilities

Post-workflow Rhai scripts have several capabilities:

  • Access to all variables collected throughout the workflow chain.
  • Ability to modify existing variables in chain or create new ones.
  • Perform file system operations (e.g., creating files/directories).
  • Execute external commands or tools.

MiniJinja Substitution

The MiniJinja engine performs the final substitution in specified files:

  • All variables collected from workflows and Rhai scripts are available for substitution.
  • Files can use Jinja2-style syntax for variable insertion and control structures.
  • The engine processes each file, replacing placeholders with actual values.

This comprehensive workflow execution process allows for complex, multi-stage mod creation workflows while maintaining flexibility and power through scripting and template substitution.