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Workflow Schema

This file specifies the format of the workflow.toml files used to define workflow metadata and behaviour.

TODO: A way to run external tools in workflows.

Example File

A typical workflow.toml has the following structure

I will use an imaginary workflow for creating or replacing a stage in Sonic Heroes as an example, as it can make good use of the required functionality.


id = "reloaded3.workflow.sonicheroes.createstage.s56"
format-version = 0
gameId = "sonicheroes"
version = "1.0.0"
author = "Sewer56"
files = [
language-subfolder = "create-a-stage"
default_language = "en-GB.toml"
next_workflow_id = "reloaded3.workflow.standard.createmod.s56"
rhai_script = "scripts/create_stage.rhai"

index = 0
type = "choice"
description = "SETTING_ZONE_DESC"
choice_images = ["seaside_zone.jxl", "city_zone.jxl", "casino_zone.jxl"]
variable = "selected_zone"
style = "radio"

index = 1
type = "choice"
choice_images = ["add_icon.jxl", "replace_icon.jxl"]
variable = "add_or_replace"
style = "radio"
show_if = [
    { variable = "selected_zone", comparator = "!=", value = "" }

index = 2
type = "choice"
choice_images = ["seaside_hill.jxl", "ocean_palace.jxl", "egg_hawk.jxl"]
variable = "seaside_stage"
style = "dropdown"
show_if = [
    { variable = "selected_zone", comparator = "=", value = "ZONE_SEASIDE" }

index = 3
type = "choice"
choice_images = ["grand_metropolis.jxl", "power_plant.jxl", "team_battle_1.jxl"]
variable = "city_stage"
style = "dropdown"
show_if = [
    { variable = "selected_zone", comparator = "=", value = "ZONE_CITY" }

index = 4
type = "choice"
choice_images = ["casino_park.jxl", "bingo_highway.jxl", "robot_carnival.jxl"]
variable = "casino_stage"
style = "dropdown"
show_if = [
    { variable = "selected_zone", comparator = "=", value = "ZONE_CASINO" }

index = 5
type = "string"
default = ""
variable = "stage_name"
show_if = [
    { variable = "add_or_replace", comparator = "!=", value = "" },
    { variable = "selected_zone", comparator = "!=", value = "" }

index = 6
type = "string"
default = ""
variable = "stage_short_name"
show_if = [
    { variable = "stage_name", comparator = "!=", value = "" }

index = 7
type = "bool"
default = false
variable = "replace_music"
show_if = [
    { variable = "add_or_replace", comparator = "=", value = "SETTING_STAGE_REPLACE" },
    { variable = "stage_short_name", comparator = "!=", value = "" }

index = 8
type = "bool"
default = false
variable = "replace_sfx"
show_if = [
    { variable = "replace_music", comparator = "=", value = "true" }

Some choices for zone/stage emitted for simplicity.

graph TD
    A[Start] --> B{"[0] Select Zone<br>OUT `selected_zone`"}
    B --> C1{"[1] Choose Action<br>OUT `add_or_replace`"}

    C1 --> |selected_zone=='seaside'| D1["[2] Pick Seaside Stage"]
    C1 --> |selected_zone=='city'| D2["[3] Pick City Stage"]
    C1 --> |selected_zone=='casino'| D3["[4] Pick Casino Stage"]

    D1 --> G["[5] Set Stage Name"]
    D2 --> G
    D3 --> G

    G --> H["[6] Set Short Stage Name"]

    H --> |When 'add_or_replace == add'| L[Set Name]
    H --> |When 'add_or_replace == replace'| I[Replace Music?]
    I --> J[Replace Sound Effects?]
    J --> L

    subgraph StandardInfo
    L --> M[Set Author]
    M --> N[Set Summary]
    N --> O[Set License]
    O --> P[Set Tags]

    P --> Q[End]

    style B diamond
    style C1 diamond
    style I diamond
    style J diamond

The ◇ diamonds in the flowchart represent selections which lead to different paths later in the workflow.


Workflows use the Reloaded3 localization system.

All user-facing text uses localization keys instead of direct text.

These keys will be resolved using the appropriate language file based on the user's settings. Localization files should be placed in the languages folder of the package, following the Reloaded3 localization file format. For example:

## languages/create-a-stage/en-GB.toml

Create or Replace a Stage

Allows you to add a new stage or replace an existing stage in the game.

# Select a Zone
Select a Zone

Which zone do you want to work with?

Seaside Zone

City Zone

Casino Zone

# Select Add or Replace
Select Action

Choose whether to add a new stage or replace an existing one

Add New Stage

Replace Existing Stage

# Select a Stage (for each zone)
Select Seaside Stage

Choose which Seaside Zone stage you want to replace

Select City Stage

Choose which City Zone stage you want to replace

Select Casino Stage

Choose which Casino Zone stage you want to replace

Seaside Hill

Ocean Palace

Egg Hawk

Grand Metropolis

Power Plant

Team Battle 1

Casino Park

Bingo Highway

Robot Carnival

# Stage Details
Stage Name

Enter the full name for your new or replacement stage

Short Stage Name

Enter a short name or abbreviation for your stage (used in some UI elements)

# Replacement Options
Replace Background Music

Choose whether to replace the background music for this stage

Replace Sound Effects

Choose whether to replace the sound effects for this stage

# StandardInfo settings

Enter the name of the stage creator

Stage Summary

Provide a brief description of your stage


Specify the license for your stage (e.g., CC BY-NC, All Rights Reserved)


Add relevant tags for your stage, separated by commas (e.g., fast, water, loops)

The workflow system will use these localization keys to display text in the user's preferred language, falling back to the default language if a translation is not available.

Special Variables

Some variables are 'special' and may have predetermined default values based on the environment.

  • author: Defaults to your user name (if available).

Metadata Section

The [metadata] section contains information about the workflow itself:

Field Type Description
id string A unique identifier for the workflow.
format-version int The version of the workflow format. (Currently 0)
name string Localization key for the name of the workflow.
summary string Localization key for the 1 line description summary.
gameId string The game this workflow is for.
version string The version of the workflow.
author string The (primary) author or group behind the workflow.
files string The files where variable substitutions should be performed.
language-subfolder string The name of the subfolder in the languages folder used for localizing.
default_language string The default language file to use, relative to the language_folder.
next_workflow_id string The ID of the next workflow to execute after this one completes.
rhai_script string File path to a Rhai script supporting the workload.

The language-subfolder field is used when you're shipping multiple workflows within one package.

The id is used to reference other workflows within a workflow.


The [[settings]] entry defines configuration settings for the package.

Each setting must specify a variable name, for example:

type = "choice"
description = "SETTING_STAGE_DESC"
variable = "selected_stage"

The results of these settings are substituted into the package metadata.

Next Workflow

The next_workflow_id field in the metadata section specifies the ID of the next workflow to run.

This field allows for daisy-chaining workflows. The workflow execution system should be aware of all available workflows and be able to locate them by their IDs.


# ... other metadata fields ...
next_workflow_id = "reloaded3.workflow.standard.createmod.s56"

This will run the reloaded3.workflow.standard.createmod.s56 workflow after the current one; and before the post scripts are ran for each workflow.