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Mod Download URLs

This section provides examples of how to retrieve download information from various sources using their respective APIs.

The examples below already have URL segments filled in, they are placeholders for easier understanding.


In some locations, we need to uniquely identify an externally hosted file.

In order for the rollback feature to work properly, we must be able to uniquely identify the location from which the mod was downloaded.

Likewise the Central Server needs a way to know which version of a package is tied to which file.

In order to achieve this, we must look at the external site APIs and see if they provide a way to uniquely identify a file.

API Request Examples

These are some relevant API requests and responses.


Search Mod Pages

Example URL:

Response Data (truncated):

  "_aFiles": [
      "_idRow": 610939,
      "_sFile": "",
      "_nFilesize": 1048576,
      "_sDownloadUrl": "https:\/\/\/dl\/610939",

Obtain a Mod Page

Example URL:

Response Data (simplified):

  "_aFiles": [
      "_idRow": 610939,
      "_sFile": "",
      "_nFilesize": 1048576,
      "_sDownloadUrl": "https:\/\/\/dl\/610939",

Data Explanation:

  • _idRow: Unique identifier for the download (use this as downloadId)
  • _sFile: Filename of the download
  • _nFilesize: File size in bytes
  • _sDownloadUrl: URL of the file

Obtain an Individual File

The last part of the url is the obtained _idRow from the previous request.

Example URL:
    "_idRow": 610939,
    "_sFile": "",
    "_nFilesize": 552,
    "_sDownloadUrl": "",


Search Repositories

Repos must be marked with appropriate tag (topic) to be found.

In this example we used btd6-mod as the tag, for Bloons TD6 mods which use this technique.

Example URL:

Response Data (truncated):

    "total_count": 264,
    "incomplete_results": false,
    "items": [
            "id": 398926502,
            "full_name": "doombubbles/ultimate-crosspathing",
            "created_at": "2021-08-23T00:03:31Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-08-26T18:27:53Z",
            "pushed_at": "2024-08-01T04:18:14Z",

Get Release Info

Example URL:

Response Data (simplified):

    "tag_name": "0.1.0",
    "name": "0.1.0",
    "published_at": "2024-04-05T14:45:15Z",
    "assets": [
        "url": "",
        "id": 160499684,
        "name": "",
        "size": 495,
        "browser_download_url": "",
        "created_at": "2024-04-05T14:45:15Z"

Data Explanation:

  • tag_name: The tag name of the release (often corresponds to the version)
  • name: The name of the release
  • published_at: Timestamp of when the release was published
  • assets: Array of assets (downloadable files) associated with the release
    • url: Stable URL for this file.
    • id: Unique identifier for the asset (use this as assetId)
    • name: Filename of the asset
    • size: File size in bytes
    • browser_download_url: Direct download URL for the asset (don't use this one!!)
    • created_at: Timestamp of when the asset was created

Do not use browser_download_url, it changes with file name.

Instead use the url field, it is stable as it is tied to the asset id.

Max 100 items per page per file.

GitHub doesn't return error, just caps it to 100 silently.


Search Mod Pages

Example GraphQL Query:

query Mods {
    mods {
        nodes {

Response Data (simplified, truncated):

    "data": {
        "mods": {
            "totalCount": 607400,
            "nodes": [
                    "modId": 27329,
                    "gameId": 1303
                    "modId": 127700,
                    "gameId": 1704

Use pageInfo for pagination

pageInfo {

Obtain Mod Files

Use modId and gameId from the previous query.

Example GraphQL Query:

query ModFiles($modId: ID!, $gameId: ID!) {
  modFiles(modId: $modId, gameId: $gameId) {


  "modId": 127772,
  "gameId": 1704

Response Data (simplified):

  "data": {
    "modFiles": [
        "uid": "7318624808113",
        "size": 1048576,
        "name": "Interesting NPCs SE - Loose Files",
        "uri": "Interesting NPCs SE - Alternative Locations-29194-3-42Beta-1569342731.7z",

Data Explanation:

  • uid: Unique identifier for the file (use this as unique identifier)
  • size: File size in bytes
  • name: User friendly name of the file
  • uri: URL to download the file (reportedly).
    • Maybe not yet fully functional.

Alternative Query for Specific UIDs:

query ModFilesByUid($uids: [String!]!) {
  modFilesByUid(uids: $uids) {

This fetches us the mod files by specific UID.

No currently known V2 API for download links.

You have to use V1 API.

What to Persist

What should we persist to uniquely access files in the future?


  • u64: id_row


  • String8 user_name
  • String8 repository_name
  • u64 asset_id


  • u64 uid
    • This is a tuple of modId and gameId in NexusMods.
    • First 4 bytes are modId, last 4 bytes are gameId.
    • These are little endian.

Indexing Optimizations

Optimizations for indexing these files.

  • Sort by date.
  • Stop search when finding item older than last indexed.