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Data Types

Max Numbers

  • Max number of Unique Package IDs (PackageIdIdx): 1,048,576 (20 bits)
    • Realistically expect 10,000 in very, very large loadouts.
    • And 100 in typical loadouts.
  • Max number of Unique Package Versions (PackageVerIdx): 1,048,576 (20 bits)
    • Realistically expect 200 in very, very large loadouts.
  • Max number of Unique Configs (ConfigIdx): 1,048,576 (20 bits)
  • Max number of Unique External Configs (ExtConfigIdx): 262,144 (18 bits)
    • This is both max number of unique external paths, and unique external data.
  • Max number of Events: 4,294,967,295 (32 bits)
  • Max number of Game Versions/Revisions (GameVerIdx): 65,536 (16 bits)
  • Max timestamp. (R3TimeStamp): 4,294,967,295 (32 bits).
    • This is the number of seconds since 1st January 2024.
    • Max year 2160.


Represents the change in state of a package in the loadout.

  • Size: 3 bits
  • Possible values: 0-7

PackageStateChange is defined as:

  • 0: Removed. The package was removed from the loadout.
  • 1: Hidden. The package was hidden from the loadout.
  • 2: Disabled (Default State). The package was disabled in the loadout.
  • 3: Added. The package was added to the loadout.
  • 4: Enabled. The package was enabled in the loadout.
  • 5: InstalledAsDependency. The package was installed as a dependency.


This is a sub-form of PackageStateChange that only includes install states.

  • Size: 2 bits
  • Possible values: 0-3
  • 0: Removed. The package was removed from the loadout.
  • 1: Hidden The package was hidden from the loadout.
  • 2: Added. The package was added to the loadout.
  • 3: InstalledAsDependency. The package was installed as a dependency.


This is a sub-form of PackageStateChange that only includes enabled states.

  • Size: 1 bits
  • Possible values: 0-1
  • 0: Disabled (Default State). The package was disabled in the loadout.
  • 1: Enabled. The package was enabled in the loadout.


Represents the current state of a package in the loadout.

  • Size: 32 bits

PackageState is defined as a bit-packed flag enum:

  • 0x01: Hidden. The package is hidden from view in the loadout.
  • 0x02: Enabled. The package is disabled in the loadout.
  • 0x04: InstalledAsDependency. The package is installed as a dependency.

Multiple flags can be combined to represent different states. For example:

  • 0x00: The package is visible and disabled.
  • 0x01: The package is hidden and disabled.
  • 0x02: The package is visible and enabled.
  • 0x03: The package is hidden and enabled.

The absence of the Enabled flag implies that the package is disabled.


Represents the sorting mode for packages in the LoadoutGrid.

  • Size: 7 bits
  • Possible values: 0-127

SortingMode is defined as:

  • 0: Unchanged
  • 1: Static. The order of mods is fixed and does not change between reboots.
  • 2: Release Date Ascending. Show from oldest to newest.
  • 3: Release Date Descending. Show from newest to oldest.
  • 4: Install Date Ascending. Show from oldest to newest.
  • 5: Install Date Descending. Show from newest to oldest.
  • 6: Alphabetical Ascending. Sort alphabetically from A to Z.
  • 7: Alphabetical Descending. Sort alphabetically from Z to A.


Represents the sort order for the load order reorderer.

  • Size: 2 bits
  • Possible values: 0-3

SortOrder is defined as:

  • 0: Unchanged
  • 1: BottomToTop (Default). Mods at bottom load first, mods at top load last and 'win'.
  • 2: TopToBottom. Sort in ascending order.


Represents the display mode for the LoadoutGrid.

  • Size: 4 bits
  • Possible values: 0-15

GridDisplayMode is defined as:

  • 0: Unchanged
  • 1: List (Compact)
  • 2: List
  • 3: Grid (Search)

The actual sizes of these images is stated in mod metadata.


Represents the store or location from which a game has shipped from.

  • Size: 8 bits
  • Possible values: 0-255
  • 0: Unknown (Disk)
  • 1: GOG
  • 2: Steam
  • 3: Epic
  • 4: Microsoft

This can also include game launchers.